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[CLOSED PR] Security health implants only send out an alert on death.
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About the PR
This pr removes the ability for security health implants sending out health alerts upon people entering crit. This means that now security health implants only send out an alert upon reaching death. Normal health implants behavior is unaffected.

Why's this needed?
This change is primarily designed to nerf competent security teams. With the competence of security recently, clearer indications of when security is alerted, and/or the alerts happening later on should help with the situation of 5 sec offs swarming a single antag. When someone enters critical is most of the time unclear during combat, unlike death which has very clear indicators (death gasp + examine text). Not only that, but for weaker weapons and/or longer battles, the time between someone entering crit and them dying can be far longer. This should give antags more time to deal with killed people, and also a more clear indicator on when security is going to come swarm.


(*)Security health implants now only send out an alert on death, normal health implants behavior is unaffected.


Messages In This Thread
[CLOSED PR] Security health implants only send out an alert on death. - by github_bot - 04-20-2022, 02:07 PM

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