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Is Engineer job not as fun as it could be?
Engineering as it currently stands seems as the least picked job, and I rarely see engineering players that make any impact on the round unless they're antagonists. I don't believe this is a player problem.

On goon, my most enjoyed job so far has to be the medical doctor - you have an immediate task to heal people, people sustain damage easily and all the time regardless of low or high pop, and even if everyone's alive you can still preemptively scan people and give them health implants. They also have a unique item, the auto menders, that no one else has, giving the job inherent value. Auto menders are also designed with convenience for healing two of the most common damage types on the station.

Unlike medics, the engineer lacks anything to do until something breaks. Once that thing breaks, they hurry to fix it before the bored specialized engineering borgs fix it, now they're done - back to being bored and doing nothing or building random shit out of boredom. The engineers do have an opportunity to set up a powerful engine during round start, but more often than not it's a set up then forget kind of deal with only occasional maintenance.

In case of an emergency, such as a fire or an explosion, a good group of medics has always been important. So if you have a medi borg and a human medic it's really welcome, you need as many hands you can get to deal with people in crit.

There's no such thing for engineers - you only ever need one engineer, and what's worse is an engie borg will always do your job better than you due to having a built in RCD, no need to breathe and no danger from freezing to death if lacking a suit.

Engineers also lack a strong and convenient tool for building that medics have in the form of auto menders. While an rcd exists, from what I discussed with people on the discord it seems like rcd is more useful for DELETING objects rather than creating and fixing things! Isn't that kind of nuts??

Perhaps engineers should come in possession of better multi tools? Maybe give them a nanotrasen variant of the syndicate omnitool so they have immediate convenience that comes with the job that reduces the amount of inventory management, like the auto menders for medics?

It could also be a bigger problem - medics immediately benefit the station as they heal people, and there's always a need for multiple medics - more medics the better. Meanwhile, you only ever need one engineer to set up a engine and occasionally fix things when they sometimes break -  and yet the shuttle will be called anyway, so fixing it is pointless because it'll just get fixed next round.

Maybe I'm missing something, maybe I'm full of shit and just don't know how to pro engineer, but fact remains that I rarely if ever see the need in the job as a player, and feel really bored when I am the engineer - so what's wrong with the job, or what's wrong with my approach?

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Is Engineer job not as fun as it could be? - by Crystalwarrior - 10-22-2021, 07:48 AM

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