08-26-2021, 09:41 AM
## About the PR
Silicons (AI and Cyborgs specifically) no longer have tier 2 invisibility vision, making them unable to see cloaking devices. However, they still maintain tier 1 invisibility vision, making them capable of still seeing things like bloodlings or people cloaked via the chameleon trait (vision is on-par with lizards).
To counter this, cyborgs now have a new upgrade available in robotics fabricators (and brobocop spawns with it), the thermal optics upgrade. This upgrade gives them vision equivalent to a pair of thermal goggles, so they get tier 2 invisibility vision back, in addition to being able to see further in the dark. The module, of course, costs power, taking double of any other sight module.
## Why's this needed?
People were talking about it in the discord, I thought it'd be interesting to see the feedback on such a change. In addition, it makes brobocops a bit more helpful.
## About the PR
Silicons (AI and Cyborgs specifically) no longer have tier 2 invisibility vision, making them unable to see cloaking devices. However, they still maintain tier 1 invisibility vision, making them capable of still seeing things like bloodlings or people cloaked via the chameleon trait (vision is on-par with lizards).
To counter this, cyborgs now have a new upgrade available in robotics fabricators (and brobocop spawns with it), the thermal optics upgrade. This upgrade gives them vision equivalent to a pair of thermal goggles, so they get tier 2 invisibility vision back, in addition to being able to see further in the dark. The module, of course, costs power, taking double of any other sight module.
## Why's this needed?
People were talking about it in the discord, I thought it'd be interesting to see the feedback on such a change. In addition, it makes brobocops a bit more helpful.