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Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs.
I will say, its funny how now that their logical counter got nerfed,
, this has popped up. But regardless,

Sec is by no means strong. Sure, they have tasers, but, they suck. If you try to use them at range against anyone with skill, they will lay down and dodge the taser. 
Second of all, the flashbang riot launcher is not an instant win. It only drops you if you are already low on stamina. They can’t load in a second so it wont matter after they shoot one. Also, the flashbang will effect the secoff too. Even while your both disoriented, you can dodge any taser shots and shove the secoff away from your tile before they can click ya.

Sure, flashbangs can be strong in certain situations. And yea, theyre easier to get then tasers, and I wouldn’t be opposed to removing the box of them, but they arent an instant win against anyone good. I have only been got by a flashbang riotlauncher 2-3 times, out of many attempts. Just dodge.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs. - by Froggit_Dogget - 07-24-2021, 06:14 AM

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