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Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs.
Are we implying every single idea is a nerf to the game?

I said weekly for a reason. But let me give you a quick run down on the last nerf suggestions.

Flash bangs - Unfunny Person
Welding Door Adjustment - Cal
Tele Art Nerf - Unfunny Person
Teleporter Nerf - Ikea
Holy Water Nerf - Unfunny Person
Disarm Nerf - Tarmunora

Amazingly enough, most of the nerfs not recommended by Unfunny Person were things that didn't make me think "Someone actually struggles against that, or doesn't understand their purpose?".

Moving on. Yes, four things are not a lot to work with. And most of them already have a good counter for them, most of which don't even need Traitor items or abilities. Give yourself SMES and then pump yourself full of meth and watch as people get frustrated at dealing with it.

And "Oh yeah I guess if you prepare for the possibility of the thought that someone might or maybe would consider using the riot launcher, like anyone even uses that in a common situation lol"

Because yes, everyone knows how much I power game. And that running away and getting an item to help you is definitely not something I recommended if it's repeatedly happening and you see an officer carrying a Riot Launcher around which is possible because Riot Launchers aren't invisible. Explicitly after being told I'm talking shit when I say there are counters without just giving the answers. Like a math teacher.

You're absolutely right, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

(07-22-2021, 06:23 PM)cyberTripping Wrote:
(07-22-2021, 05:59 PM)Technature Wrote: 90% of the nerf threads are from one person.

Even if this was the case, which I don't think it is, it's irrelevant. Changes don't get made to the game by virtue of a thread being made about them. Changes get made when a coder decides to tweak things, based either on their own wants, or community feedback. If this is "one person wanting their opinion treated as gospel" then I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about, because no coder is going to take a thread with one person in favor of an idea and every single other person arguing against it, and decide that's what they're going to code today.

Most of these coders are long-term players who want to give back to the community, as well, so I can assure you that most changes that happen in the game are done by folks who have 'played a little bit'.

I feel it is relevant. Wouldn't someone who says every little thing needs to be nerfed considered someone who just complains about everything anywhere else?

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RE: Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs. - by Technature - 07-22-2021, 06:36 PM

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