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Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs.
one of the key things holding them back from being exploited a lot is like how stun batons are - the awkwardice of obtaining one. perhaps that alone is enough to rationalize keeping them as they are. but if they're really hitting the powergamer meta then i think a second-long fuse on impact for the grenades could also work since flashbangs are our key offenders & are mostly deadly at point blank.

nade launchers are already good by virtue of being a point and click grenade with no risk of taking too long to throw it. i also think moving them to the armory seems a bit overkill since opening the armory opens the floodgates to taking laser rifles & shotguns.

(07-21-2021, 07:58 PM)kyle2143 Wrote: The biggest problem with the riot launcher is that the grenades it shoots don't actually look like the individual grenades that are loaded in.

i dunno, think most folk who see it coming would dodge a nade launcher regardless of the sprite. it is pretty subtle and the nades come out & splode pretty fast

(07-22-2021, 03:19 PM)Technature Wrote: Okay.

I think people need to actually play a little bit instead of immediately going "I don't like the thing, MAKE IT WORSE NOW!" constantly.  See if you can come up with a counter built in the game, or recommend something that could be a good counter, instead of making something worse against literally everything possible.

Is that better?  Or am I just full of shit again?

i mean. you're saying they 'should play a bit' as if they haven't. unfunny has nearly 1k rounds on record iirc. your argument here wasn't even about the launchers, it was 'get good and think of a counter' that you couldn't even think of yourself.

nerf threads are coming out because people are expressing they think something is unbalanced, the balance team can take these claims into account but they aren't necessarily going to be met with a nerf. whining at nerf threads solely because they are threads about nerfing something is *entirely* unproductive. if you really don't want nerfs, argue why the thing isn't overpowered, if you can't think of anything... maybe it is?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Remove or significantly change riot launcher and flashbangs. - by TDHooligan - 07-22-2021, 04:58 PM

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