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[CLOSED PR] replace disarm roll with shove
Idea, disarm chance pushes a person backwards one tile and does stamina damage. If the stamina drops them below 0 stamina, they go prone as is right now. Maybe keep the current chance to knock prone normally that we already have, because pushing on someone to fart on their face is kinda a gross staple of the community.

Pushing someone against an object does bonus stamina damage, sort of like how the pulse rifle pushing someone into a wall does more than just disorientation, it usually stuns.
Push against a person, person pushed takes the normal disarm chance stamina drain, plus both people hit take bonus stamina damage from hitting each other.
Push a person against a wall, bonus stamina damage.
Pushed against a table, bonus stamina damage
Pushed against a vending machine, bonus stamina damage, treats the pushed player as if they had attacked the vending machine, rolling the % chance for it to fall on them.
Etc etc etc. Still has the RNG chance to just knock someone down, but doesn't fling their held item off into the distance. Perhaps even add a short disorientation effect if you collide with another object?

Ties disarm more into stamina and positioning, with that slight flavor of RNG that we already have. Maybe would make disarm even more powerful.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] replace disarm roll with shove - by Ikea - 06-27-2021, 09:23 AM
RE: [PR] replace disarm roll with shove - by Cal - 06-27-2021, 09:35 AM
RE: [PR] replace disarm roll with shove - by RGBDeadSilent - 06-28-2021, 02:32 PM

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