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Weapons Update
NT's thing is energy weapons, any kinetics they have are surplus pieces of junk that are at least 50 years out of date (shotgun and riot launcher come to mind). Note how the NTSO and the HoS have extremely powerful future-tech energy weapons, giving Sec a bunch of ancient kinetics makes no sense, that's for the Syndies.

Messages In This Thread
Weapons Update - by JackTrysGames - 04-15-2021, 11:42 PM
RE: Weapons Update - by virvatuli - 04-15-2021, 11:56 PM
RE: Weapons Update - by KikiMofo - 04-16-2021, 10:18 AM
RE: Weapons Update - by THISISANICEGAME - 04-16-2021, 10:57 AM
RE: Weapons Update - by Rilor - 04-16-2021, 01:37 PM

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