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Weapons Update - Printable Version

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Weapons Update - JackTrysGames - 04-15-2021

Security is often looked down upon. People call them mall cops. They've got the gear to prove it. What if that wasn't the case?
Detective has stun rounds for his pistol, but what if more weapons with stun round capabilities existed?
The Weapons Update would do just that. Adding several weapons from the real world (renamed and lightly reskinned for copyright reasons), Security will look less like a fleet of mall cops and more like a private security force, like NT wants them to be!

Possible Weapons List after the update:

RE: Weapons Update - virvatuli - 04-15-2021

NT's thing is energy weapons, any kinetics they have are surplus pieces of junk that are at least 50 years out of date (shotgun and riot launcher come to mind). Note how the NTSO and the HoS have extremely powerful future-tech energy weapons, giving Sec a bunch of ancient kinetics makes no sense, that's for the Syndies.

RE: Weapons Update - KikiMofo - 04-16-2021

Yeah the hard and fast rule has always seemed to be NT employees get energy weapons and syndies get ballistic weapons.
Though the detective is always shady and brought their own gun to the station....Don't mention the reloads in the sec vendors.

RE: Weapons Update - THISISANICEGAME - 04-16-2021

Too many options bad, keep it simple, you shoot bad guy, it does no damage, they go down. And I don't get why people say sec doesn't look cool, they do look COOL. Also, you should have credited Schwicks as the spriter of those weapons.

RE: Weapons Update - Rilor - 04-16-2021

Yeah sec doesnt need them, although i dont think any (or at least most) of those guns are in the game currently (like less not obtainable and more not existant) so it could be good to at least implement shwicks amazing looking hard work as an option for a-zone designers, maybe prefab designers for the weaker stuff, and admins to mess with