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[MERGED PR] Remove a few items from spy thief reward pool
I think we are losing the point and drastically overestimating the significance of the change. ​This scrutiny is not given when mundane items are added and dilute the pool.

But that is irrelevant now the PR has been modified due to feedback. It now only removes the Boom Boots and Banana Grenade. I think the other items should stay if people feel they have value and it might genuinely have a balance impact to remove all of them, although I didn't expect there to be an appetite to remove them all.

Speaking of, I realize there may not be awareness of how rewards currently work. They are not totally random, there are 5 types of objective which it picks a specific number of targets for, these objectives have a predetermined quality of reward (limbs have a high minimum value, random items tend to be low value) and some adjustment to improve the reward based on target/low random chance. The rewards come from 4 brackets of TC value. A banana grenade is in the low TC bracket, if it's removed from the pool it will be picking a different 1-4 TC cost item. This will certainly be a more useful item but it's not going to pick a katana or deluxe mindslave.

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RE: [PR] Remove a few items from spy thief reward pool - by Katzen - 03-25-2021, 02:28 AM

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