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let's talk cyborg
While I don't mind the nonexistence of Security Cyborgs, because are truly too powerful, I want to see some more development into Cyborgs. There's a lot of bugs surrounding them that can cause them to be unable to be revived or just ruin their rounds, there's a lot of features I feel could really enhance them and honestly I really wish Syndicate Cyborgs were a thing, even if you have to limit it to a 12 credit Traitor item or Nukie only. I've seen a lot of nice sounding silicon PRs get left in the dust when there's so much potential for improvement.
  • Fix all the Spontaneous Core brain bugs. So many times I've seen them not work when a Cyborg gets put into a new shell, requiring admin intervention. Might happen to other brains too, but mainly seen it with Spontaneous. There's a lot of weird bugs surrounding them for some reason.
  • Fix the Cyborg death alert spam. Every now and then a Cyborg dies and it sends death alerts forever, forcing all of Medbay to ditch their PDAs or mute the group. Might only happen when the head is destroyed and the rest of the body is intact.
  • Streamline Cyborg clicking and dragging. Vast majority of Cyborgs still don't know you can use ladders, open morgue and so on. Also let them empty boxes onto the floor please. MAYBE let them drag people into clone scanners and genetek scanners. It's incredibly obscure what you can and can't interact with because some things you can shift click which nobody knows about, and others you just can't.
  • Tie PDA groups into modules, give all PDA groups (muted by default?) to AI. The fact that silicon mains have to every round setup a MechComp contraption for this is very telling that it needs to be a thing already. Also give them party line, so they can suffer. Silicons need to be able to see mailbots, and also maybe have Cyborg death alerts get sent to all silicons.
  • New Cyborg parts? I love the screen head PR, but why not more types of limbs, chests, bits and bobs? Extendable arms, legs that can be retracted to allow them to get on the floor (fuck you plastic flaps), heads that can emergency eject, chests with a single inventory slot (store money, dolls, illegal goods or pipebombs.)
  • Rework Chemistry module. It's a lackluster module that nobody uses. Combine it with Medical and let them use regular ChemDispenser UI, or let them use regular ChemDispenser UI and give them more of a Research role. Toxins equipment (tanks? pressure crystals?), Artlab equipment (a shocker, a heater, a data tape?), Telescience equipment (camera helmet, camera, adventure equipment, GPS).
  • Add some Brobocop-related stuff. I don't want to give Cyborgs flashes, cuffs or guns, but Brobocop is too Brobo and not enough Cop. I'm sure there's SOMETHING we can do to make them more interesting to play. The most Brobocop mains I've seen just sit in Security to mark people for arrest since there's little else they can really do other than door stuff. A tool that instantly closes all doors in that room/summons a single Securitron/turns off all lights? Anything for self defense? Luminol spray, bloodtrak, the ability to robotically monologue? (Not like the det ever uses them) Medical have defibs which can drop someone for a second and make them drop their weapon, something like that would be nice.
  • Expand on Mining module. Let them upgrade their drill, or give them one that can EVENTUALLY break higher toughness rocks. An upgraded geological scanner that lets them examine rocks far away to see what ore it is? A mini mineral accumulator? Let them use the telescope console without standing next to it? Maybe give them some sort of ore radar? More stuff, they're rather barebones.
  • Engineering module love. Let their RCD work like a RCDD when it comes to airlocks. Current Cyborg RCD can only make vertical, maintenance airlocks with no access or name. Give them the RCDD features to pick a skin, name, make horizontal airlocks, but leave the access out so they need to involve the HoP. Also maybe make the Construction Worker module able to fabricate or buy via traders or merchants, or give the planners to Engiborgs (I'd prefer the former).
  • Syndicate Cyborg Expansion. Either make it a unique module with some devious tools, or make it modify all normal modules. Make their laws a bit more fun, maybe give Nukies a very fun unique Cyborg. Anything really, there's a lot of potential here.
  • Security Cyborg take two. I know, a lot of people despise the idea, but why not have a NT Cyborg that is latejoin only, HoS whitelist, instantly explodes if you shoot a human? Or give the HoS a special Cyborg module that they can give to a Cyborg that gives them, I dunno, a flyswatter and ectogun equivalent? I don't really want them to have guns, flashes or cuffs, but I don't see why NT wouldn't have some sort of Security model. I do feel like Brobocop is the better way to go, but it needs a hefty expansion still I think.

RE: Brobocop, maybe a pepper spray? Like a hypospray that sprays a bit of capsaicin into people's eyes? Maybe a charger for SecOff's baton/taser, swipe ID and put it inside the Cyborg to charge it? Donut dispenser?

Messages In This Thread
let's talk cyborg - by Mopcat - 12-25-2020, 05:10 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Gerhazo - 12-25-2020, 05:18 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Enakai - 12-25-2020, 05:35 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Tiggersaurus - 12-25-2020, 05:42 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Mordent - 12-25-2020, 06:30 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by TheRealFlapJackson - 12-25-2020, 06:32 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Gerhazo - 12-25-2020, 06:52 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Frank_Stein - 12-25-2020, 08:14 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by KikiMofo - 12-25-2020, 10:07 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by UrsulaMejor - 12-25-2020, 11:31 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Mopcat - 12-25-2020, 12:35 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Varali - 12-25-2020, 11:42 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by GORE - 12-25-2020, 03:25 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by cyberTripping - 12-25-2020, 03:49 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Varali - 12-25-2020, 04:14 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by GORE - 12-25-2020, 04:33 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Varali - 12-25-2020, 05:36 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Camryn - 12-26-2020, 05:14 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Tiggersaurus - 12-26-2020, 06:16 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by nefarious6th - 12-26-2020, 07:08 AM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Frank_Stein - 12-26-2020, 01:26 PM
RE: let's talk cyborg - by Gerhazo - 12-26-2020, 01:38 PM

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