HoS Application - Wrench-1 (Maverick Sabre)
It's been a while since I played a round with Maverick or Inigo; but I know I elbowed you a ton a little while back about wanting to see a HoS app form you...and here we are!
I really like playing with you, and have a lot of fond memories of working with you when I played as an AI; I think you're a sensible, stern, and decisive officer. I think you also show good judgement on things and willingness to take action when you play in command roles like MDir, too. I appreciate that despite your hop-to-it response to antags in round, you also then follow up with trying to sort out reasonable punishment and often try to steer towards things that are productive for RP versus immediate execution or borging.
I think the only thing is sometimes you hop a little too to it, but for what it's worth, you have a tremendous sense of resonsibility in your roles in trying to make a good round for everyone, and always own mistakes and apologize for misunderstandings. I don't think this happens enough, and I think it comes with part of an awareness about what the flow of a good round should look like, an awareness that is essential for HoS.
Also, for all the times I've seen you trying to keep rounds moving along in roles like security or MDir, I think I've seen you an equal number of times using roles like Inspector or Lawyer to contribute to the dynamics of a round, which to me spells out marked creativity and a willingness to contribute using whatever tools you've got.

+1 from me.

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RE: HoS Application - Wrench-1 (Maverick Sabre) - by nefarious6th - 12-07-2020, 10:03 PM

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