EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application
Eris\Tooty has my strong recommendation!  Every round I've seen with them has been quality, if occasionanlly weird in that Great Arr-Pee Way.  I've really enjoyed the interactions I've had with Tooty and their team.

My favorite interaction with them was a round as Medical Director, Tooty was Sec and very clearly stepping up into the Leadership role - managing the  second team member, and the (later turned out to be antag) Detective.  I think the initial gimmick was to come "claim" my Skeleton as decor for the Sec office (which is hilarious), until the Detective started attempting to take various trophies from Med Bay - at which point, Tooty stepped up.  My understanding was the detective was banned from medbay, and a few funny stories resulted from that.  It was a fun OOC chat after the round end, and everyone involved seemed amused.

In short, Tooty for HoS, we need some strong leadership Sec on the RP server that understand the role quality Security can have in improving the round for every player.

Messages In This Thread
RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - by Kamades - 07-09-2020, 09:32 AM
RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - by Caro - 07-09-2020, 09:36 AM
RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - by OMJ - 07-14-2020, 06:13 AM
RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - by Mouse - 07-16-2020, 06:15 AM

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