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EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Printable Version +- Goonstation Forums (https://forum.ss13.co) +-- Forum: Server Appeals (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=3) +--- Forum: Applications (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=15) +---- Forum: Approved Applications (https://forum.ss13.co/forumdisplay.php?fid=17) +---- Thread: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application (/showthread.php?tid=14655) Pages:
EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - EristheSlackWyrm - 07-09-2020 Usual character name: Tooty OffDooty. MacShitrig The Clown (family name is The Clown) BYOND username: EristheSlackWyrm Discord username (if you are on our discord): EristheSlackWyrm#6688 Recommended by (if applicable): Enfaeutchie, Aft2001, Kamades, TTerc. Few more on RP-server channel on Discord that I dindt double check with. Goon servers you play: GoonRP, Goon2. I will probably stick to RP for HoS as I got more experience with security there, until I have played more with other HoS’ on Goon2 Reason for application: In the past few weeks I’ve a lot of new players sign up for security and it started to make my experience with security more and more unfun. I felt it was best to try to play some security myself and try to be a good example of what to do and guide newer players into more fun ways of dealing with crime. I have planned to apply for HoS for years but never got around to it, for various reasons. I see this as a great time to apply, as a large influx of players are flooding in. Being a figure of authority would allow me to have more opportunities to teach security how to handle things in ways fitting of GoonRP, as well as maintain a balance of fun and chaos amongst the crew by being the one in charge. In my eyes, the HoS is the person that is really in charge, even if the captain is technically higher rank. So it’s important to take that responsibility with care, which is something I see myself ready to do. Security experience (300 word minimum): I got a decent amount of security experience over the years but admittedly not the most. The past week I have mained sec on RP as Tooty, and I feel it has gone well and I have gotten some good feedback. I tend to focus on de escalation rather than finding the “guilty party” just to give them jail time, and I avoid killing criminals unless they are actively murdering several people. On RP this works quite well, but I do admit I might be a bit too lenient on the antags sometimes and I’ll have to see what to do about my behaviour there, and would love to get some feedback on it. The recent security I have played I have tried my best to lead and direct the security team, without acting as a boss or superior. Since I am not the HoS I try not to act like one, but still give them some guidance and direction. From my point of view the security players I have seen have been either positive to this, or neutral. I cannot remember anyone complaining about it IC or OOC. I have played HoS a couple of times on Fridays and it has gone fairly well, but I admit it was quite overwhelming and something I need more practise in to become good at. The challenging part is keeping track of everything going on, with the radio often calling out for security, and security calling out for HoS for guidance. At the same time as I am talking to people and gunshots ring in the distance. I find this a fun challenge to learn, if a bit intimidating. The more fun parts of my experience as HoS has been trying to deal with upset characters via de escalation, and trying to “speedrun” solve a dispute. An example would be 2 characters fighting over money, that turned very violent several times. I had bigger fry to deal with, so I decided to take money out of my own account to deal with the victim of the theft. And to please the thief who got beaten, I said that the other party got jail time for the assault. That situation could not have played out the way it did if I was a regular officer, due to the context of authority. Solving disputes between security officers has also been a blast. I’ve yet to deal with non antag officers going so far they need demotion but I have told some to calm down. The Detective I have already yelled at several times, both as HoS and normal Sec Officer. On the other end of the baton I have been arrested a massive amount for clowning and I feel confident in deciding what's a fair sentence for the crimes I committed to both be fun for me and give a sense of justice to everyone else. Often I give advice on what I feel is a fair sentence to the officers dealing with my pranks. 0-2 minutes for crimes that did not cause any need for cleanup. And sometimes just being under arrest for a bit is enough of a “punishment”, maybe slap a ticket on top. 3-5 minutes for things that needed minor to major cleanup. (Such as someone died, minor station damage, loss of productivity/fun for other players.) I avoid perma brigging and prefer demotion as a “harsh” punishment. And in many situations, taking a cuffed person to sec isn't even necessary What I tend to do with suspected traitors is to bring them to sec, and confiscate any obvious contraband. I like to give them a chance to get their items back but it needs to be a bit of a challenge. With non lethal items going into a chest, behind locked doors. And Lethal items being sent into a locked locker, so they have to work harder to get it back. For me, Death Sentence should only be used for major crimes where it would be an entertaining justice event for players or when it’s a severe and active threat to the safety of the crew. If possible, it should be done in a creative way instead of beaten to death in a jail cell. When I am not HoS, I usually cannot make a decision to execute someone on my own. I will usually ask the captain for permission. HoP if there is no Captain. If none of them are present I will have to make that call on my own or together with the team. Silent execution is sometimes necessary but I feel it is usually a missed opportunity for comedic justice. All of the above are how I try to do things as security and admittedly it’s not always possible to follow my mindset in the moment. Most of the time it is how I end up doing things, but not always. The game is chaotic and being chaotic is how you become. Answer two or more of the following:
Being efficient during arrests is important. For the criminal players fun, your fun and being available for other things going on. Learn how to do a quick process from the moment cuffs are on, til they are released/given the sentence. Try to have one person present or nearby security anytime someone is in jail. And if you really must run off for a bit, as soon as you are available, check on them. And do NOT take their headset during arrest.. If it’s a stolen command headset, it is best to let them have it for a short while, while you go grab a default one. The main exception to this rule would be if they are yelling slurs over the radio. Then I suggest admin help, and take their headset Antags are an important part of the game, and giving them a second chance or opportunity to escape tends to make the round much more interesting and fun for everyone. A good second chance situation would be to confiscate their gear but keep it available for theft, giving them jail time but a full release afterwards. Or maybe have an intentional “slip up” allowing them to run off during arrest. A chase like that is exciting for both you as an officer, and the antag. As security officers we have a lot of power over how a round can play out. And we have a responsibility to use that power as a tool not to“Win” but to balance the round to make it more fun for everyone. Give the antags a challenging enemy to fight against, not a death machine that ends their fun. Help out or intimidate the innocent. Talk with them and have some fun. Take a bribe, give a gift for favors. Get informants. Be willing to cause trouble for yourself in the future to make the round more interesting. The antags winning is not a failed round for security. It’s the bad ending to the story. Not always a bad round. Be willing to be a little incompetent if it makes things more fun for everyone.
Another was an officer wanting to interrogate me but I turned the tables and started interviewing them for a job interview. They were very confused but got the job in the end. As security it would be cargonia having seceded from NT and without a captain we had to negotiate a peace agreement. both NT and Cargonian citizens broke this agreement and we both had prisoners from the other country. We agreed to trade the prisoners, and prosecute them on our own.
Active murder by beating in progress? it's best to send most of the team, but maybe have 1 officer free to deal with other minor things/go on patrol. Severe danger, active shooting, nukies, ling having lunch? Send in as many are available as a lone officer is likely to lose. When I am alone, I stock up on extra gear. 2 tasers, 2 batons(if available), batteries, Medicine. And I prioritise dangerous situations over petty crime, depending on the level of action at the moment. If nothing is going on, I try to talk with the crew. Take bribes or make friends. Tickets for the pettiest of things. Making friends is a good idea so they might help if i get taken down. I do have to run back and forth between events all of the time when I am alone, which can be frustrating. Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
Your intent is HONK, and Mine is BONK. Our tools are both yellow. And they both stun. How could you do this to me? You slipped and run. Similar but not the same, as our eternal struggle rages on. You are the clown. I am the Guard. Get down on the ground, you filthy clown, OH GOD THATS LUBE! CLOWN NO, STAY AWAY FROM MY BATON. As I drift further away, in the darkness of space, I try to pray. But gods are deaf to those who cannot keep the Clown at bay.
Hire the Clown to do some crimes so we can arrest him and fill up our “beating quota”. Security team contest: Wrestling, segway race, most crimes solved. Winner gets a raise/ box of donuts/ promotion to Junior HoS or some other dumb stuff. Security School. All sec officers must go through training to earn their badge. Clown will be the teacher. More cargonia diplomacy. Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I have had a couple of requested bans due to playing too much and needing a forced break. Lack of self control for fun things. Other than that I can't remember any. And most of my admin warnings have been for clowning too hard, or having a massive brainfart to the point of needing correction, such as using the pool to experiment with low yield instead of the test chamber, because I forgot it existed. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Drago156 - 07-09-2020 Normally I wouldn't comment on mostly RP player apps or people I don't normally see playing security/haven't seen play security. But this is a far off exception and a half. Yes. Tooty has always been a pretty robust but kind nerd either on RP or 2, and I've heard or even seen a number of hilarious or amazing stories about Tooty and what they've done. I absolutely endorse this clown for the beret and think RP will be better off with Tooty as an HoS. I also look forward to seeing Tooty as an HoS on 2 some day to witness what kind of funny stuff they come up while wearing the beret. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Kamades - 07-09-2020 Eris\Tooty has my strong recommendation! Every round I've seen with them has been quality, if occasionanlly weird in that Great Arr-Pee Way. I've really enjoyed the interactions I've had with Tooty and their team. My favorite interaction with them was a round as Medical Director, Tooty was Sec and very clearly stepping up into the Leadership role - managing the second team member, and the (later turned out to be antag) Detective. I think the initial gimmick was to come "claim" my Skeleton as decor for the Sec office (which is hilarious), until the Detective started attempting to take various trophies from Med Bay - at which point, Tooty stepped up. My understanding was the detective was banned from medbay, and a few funny stories resulted from that. It was a fun OOC chat after the round end, and everyone involved seemed amused. In short, Tooty for HoS, we need some strong leadership Sec on the RP server that understand the role quality Security can have in improving the round for every player. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Caro - 07-09-2020 Yes, absolutely I have witnessed Tooty as secoff quite a few times now, on RP server. On top of being an actual competent secoff, they also have a fun personality and they really care about other people's fun a lot. Never had a single negative interaction with them, neither on RP nor on 2. RP needs a HoS player like them, +1 RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - aft2001 - 07-09-2020 While I have yet to directly work with Tooty as a Security Officer myself, whenever I play AI I get a sense of relief when I see Tooty join as Security. They have a good sense of what to do, how to deescalate, and how to be robust when the time calls. Far from shitsec, and genuinely fun to interact with as AI to coordinate and investigate. Not once have they told me to "TRACK JIMMY SHITS AND CONSTANTLY REPORT HIS LOCATION AND BOLT HIM DOWN IMMEDIATELY", or anything even close to it, so that's just a +1 from me. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - jan.antilles - 07-09-2020 Such a creative and thoughtful roleplayer! I appreciate their prioritiess feel confident that they would be a fantastic HoS. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - SageAcrin - 07-09-2020 Honestly I think I've seen Eris put in as many rounds as a security clown or some strange equivalent on 2 as I have most players applying for HoS on sec, and with good conduct. As someone with a "CE/RD Gordon Freeman style last line of defense play that never applied for HoS even after playing Sec, out of laziness" background I have the highest respect for that generalist style background with some admitted bias-one of the most powerful things I found as security was a sheet of metal, not a gun(did you know security gets a lot of holes in it?). If what happened to me was any indication you end up leading a group a lot despite your best efforts, too... Definite yes here. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Ion Mage - 07-09-2020 I've yet to see Eris play sec myself, but I have seen them have an excellent attitude regarding conflict resolution (and even conflict creation!) and have also seen them to be a great RPer. If my vote counts despite having not seen their sec skills, then it is a yes. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Technature - 07-09-2020 Tooty is always a good sec officer. I never feel like someone might have an undeservedly unfun time because of them. +1 RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Starborn - 07-09-2020 I've been playing Space Station 13 for about 8 years now, and I can wholeheartedly say that whenever I see a clown, my first instinct is to yell 'Tooty!' because of the familiarity I have with seeing Eris wobbling around the station all the time. I get genuinely excited, because Eris is an awesome person. I'll take long breaks, but when I come back, there's Tooty. Still zany, still enjoyable. If I can see Tooty in the HoS role, that's a whole other aspect of the character that I might get to percieve, and enjoy. And I think everyone else would enjoy it as well. Geneticist stamp of approval. Can't wait to be arrested. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - OMJ - 07-14-2020 big fat yes RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Leeanei - 07-15-2020 Eris has been good sec from what I've seen and he's got a good mindset. +1 RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Mouse - 07-16-2020 I haven't seen Tooty play security much if at all, so normally I wouldn't weigh in. However, they're an excellent and considerate player, and I think they have what it takes to be HoS. Plus, we really need more Heads of Security. Last batch seems to have burned out. RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Varshie - 07-26-2020 Whether I’m an antagonist, a fellow security officer, or a regular member of the crew, seeing Tooty playing as security fills me with confidence that the department is going to be managed well, and that it will be a fun and interesting round for everyone involved. My first interaction with Tooty was during a traitor round where I had thrown an incapacitated officer out of maintenance during a rad storm. After being caught, it was Tooty who led the interrogation while also keeping the other officers in line. The questioning itself and the interactions I had with Tooty during this time quickly led to that round becoming one of my favourite antagonist rounds to date. Tooty ensured that I was punished fairly, and that there was due process throughout the very engaging encounter. It was great. Since then whenever I have seen Tooty sign on as security I’ve been certain that the department as a whole will be led by someone both charismatic and competent, and that detained antagonists won’t be immediately executed or treated unfairly during their stay in the brig. I’ve had nothing but good interactions with them, and their ability to de-escalate situations rather than immediately reaching for their baton is something most security players should learn from. Regardless of their role EristheSlackWyrm is a fine player and possesses all the traits that I would expect a HoS to have. It’s a big yes from me. +1 RE: EristheSlackWyrm's HoS Application - Tiggersaurus - 07-27-2020 Nothing but positive interactions. Eris seems to strive to make sure everyone has fun+from what security interactions I've seen always tries to non-lethal when taking perps in. Definitely a +1 from this beepboop. |