07-09-2020, 09:27 AM
Normally I wouldn't comment on mostly RP player apps or people I don't normally see playing security/haven't seen play security. But this is a far off exception and a half.
Tooty has always been a pretty robust but kind nerd either on RP or 2, and I've heard or even seen a number of hilarious or amazing stories about Tooty and what they've done. I absolutely endorse this clown for the beret and think RP will be better off with Tooty as an HoS. I also look forward to seeing Tooty as an HoS on 2 some day to witness what kind of funny stuff they come up while wearing the beret.
Tooty has always been a pretty robust but kind nerd either on RP or 2, and I've heard or even seen a number of hilarious or amazing stories about Tooty and what they've done. I absolutely endorse this clown for the beret and think RP will be better off with Tooty as an HoS. I also look forward to seeing Tooty as an HoS on 2 some day to witness what kind of funny stuff they come up while wearing the beret.