Karmesian's HoS Application
Usual character name: Faust Treffen
BYOND username: Karmesian
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Karmesian
Goon servers you play: Both, though RP preferably.

Reason for application: It's difficult to coordinate a department without a clear leader. Since there's usually not a HoS, the security department tends to be rather disorderly, with individual security personnel grabbing weapons and doing their own thing. This isn't always a problem, but I greatly enjoy feeling like I'm part of a coordinated whole, and rounds with a decent HoS just doing their best tend to be my favourite. Consequently, I'd like to be able to make HoS' and a coordinated security experience slightly more common.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I've played security off and on for the last few months, and have gotten especially into it during the last week or two. I'm not especially great at fighting, but I'd argue that's generally not the most important skill for a security officer. I think the most important role for the security department is to be a kind of balancing force between the excessive chaos that the station can devolve into, and the overly dull orderly state it can be if every threat and trouble maker is dealt with ruthlessly. This means a lot of talking to people, working with your other security officers, and keeping an eye on the station so that you can gauge how messy things are, so that you can fine-tune your approach. For example, in games where I've been the only member of security, I've kept myself armed heavily and on high-alert, because I may be the only thing between the station and any number of threats. Whereas during games with a large security presence, there have even been times where I've edged on trouble-makers like free-wheeling botanists or been lax enough to have other officers get a bit nippy at me, just to keep things interesting. Partly this is about keeping it interesting for the antags, but I think it's truly important for everyone, including yourself; conflict keeps rounds interesting, so having one side or another get wiped out tends to end most of the fun.

One of the most enjoyable rounds I've played as security recently was on the RP server when the Captain was a conspirator, and successfully had the security department enforce his autocratic and increasingly oppressive rule of the station. While the security department could have turned on him at any time, or just ignored him to begin with, it would have made the round exceptionally boring. Similarly, the Security, or the Captain in this case, could have been overzealous and started arresting people in mass or otherwise making it impossible to reasonably stop the conspiracy, but that also would have left the round dull. Instead, the slow and balanced progression kept the round interesting and involving, and made the opportunity for a final showdown between the loyalist security officers and the rebel ones trying to depose the tyrannical Captain. It was an immensely fun round with more far more words than bullets, few deaths, and a truly coordinated security department, and is an example of what I like to strive for, regardless of whether or not I get to play as an HoS.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players? Resist the urge to assume someone you find doing a bad/criminal thing is genuinely bad. Even if they are an antag, it's not worth being harsh and paranoid. And more often than not, the person breaking into a room or stealing stuff is just trying to get something for their wacky project, not trying to destroy the station in nuclear hellfire. A warning or a fine tends to be more than enough, and it might even save you some trouble to not have an entire department of angry scientists.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer. By myself I'll always be a lot more cautious, keep myself better armed, and stay in more populated areas. It's all too easy to for an antag to pick off a lone security officer, and the ID makes it fairly valuable to do so. Especially in the low-pop situations where I'm more frequently the only security officer, that can lead to a one-sided slaughter which isn't fun for anyone, antag included. A lot like the reverse of an overly powerful, diligent, and ruthless security team. So to keep the conflict more balanced, I'll try a lot harder to keep myself alive.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? I'd love to do a security parade with stickers and fancy uniforms and music. I also think a security team coordinating with telescience for an expedition would be really fun.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.

Messages In This Thread
Karmesian's HoS Application - by Karmesian - 05-26-2020, 11:11 AM
RE: Karmesian's HoS Application - by SimianC - 06-12-2020, 01:29 PM

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