04-22-2020, 07:29 AM
I also think part of the issue is that "Your're doing terrible damage because your opponent has armor" is very poorly communicated, even if the person is obviously well armored. It should be more clear when you're doing very little (or no) damage cuz of armor, it should have like a different sound or animation perhaps. Armor is a really important mechanic when it comes to "winning fights", and I think it's be *better* if people were making decisions based on it. The reason they don't isn't because it doesn't matter, but rather because it's both poorly communicated when it's hurting/helping you and what is and is not armor visually. The cap's alternative armor sorta has the same problem, but at least that's *called* armor on examine. The cape both isn't called armor and doesn't really look that protective. I'd rather have it have good cold resistance or something (kinda like the jacket does but maybe both of those could do with being a bit better in that way)