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ShotgunBill, Goon 2, 1/19/2020
Willingly and directly helping out antagonists is effectively very close to self-antagging and has been for the longest time a solid no as far as I know and not a result of the culture shifting, especially with advertising your armory antics over the radio clearly expressing your intent for gang members to get a hold of the equipment and also painting yourself as one.
Which I'll support with this single log.
[39:29.7] Roger Jerome (MamuelMamington) SAY: ;Hey I unlocked the armory if any gang members wanna fuck around with it (102,208,1 in Armory)

I don't think there was anything wrong with you being judged and treated as one when you've made your stance so firmly clear and in fact that action by itself should have probably resulted in administrative action against you at the time for helping out the antagonists.

That said this is just my opinion regarding the in-round incident itself, I realise the complaint isn't about that but instead the treatment/demeanor it was discussed with in the OOC channels and I'll reserve my judgement on that end for the moment as I haven't been involved there nor yet checked the logs for those to form my own thoughts on that.

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RE: ShotgunBill, Goon 2, 1/19/2020 - by Gerhazo - 01-19-2020, 01:33 PM

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