Karmahunter's HoS application
blue-hair people rise up

It's a Yes from me. Though I've only seen them the month, I've always seen them as a good officer who's quite robust, yet laid-back and fair. Allow me to share a recent admin round that I think exemplifies both these aspects of Karmahunter. I don't have a log of the events, and my mind's a little scattershot today, so I apologize if it's a little hazy.

During this round, Firebarrage ran a fighting tournament in the VR Thunderdome. At some point, Karmahunter was paired with someone who apparently went braindead and had to fight the opposing team 1 v 2--and won. Now, there's a few situations where one person could easily take down two others, but everyone had similar weapons and equipment, so I chalk this up to robustness.

But of course, being security isn't just about robustness; it's also about making people's rounds more enjoyable. After winning the tournament, Karmahunter was granted macho man powers.  Later on, they found some people skating around in Cargo and shouted "Who wants to see some macho madness?" or some such. After receiving no answer, they chose to spare them, saying "Nope, just some rad skaters here." Perhaps they didn't know if they could attack who are skating, and maybe you could call it weakness or cowardice, but to me, it seems they realized these people were having enough fun skating about and they didn't need to attack them or anything to make their round more interesting.

Another thing, there was this roboticist (I think they were a roboticist, at least) they kept tearing the limbs off of. After tearing their limbs off the first time, they chose to let them live. Through some miracle the roboticist made it back to their lab and convinced a med doc to make them some new limbs, whereupon the machoman attacked again, although not to much effect since the roboticist was still limbless.  Sometime later, the machoman vaporized them into a cloud of blood, I think at their own request, and I think the guy afterwards talked about how much they enjoyed the experience in deadchat. Again, I don't have a full picture of Karmahunter's mind during all this, but considering, they could have just beaten the roboticist to death or used any of their kill skills at any time, but didn't, I think this illustrates they understand why it's sometimes more fun to be merciful and let people go than murder them right then and there.

But anyways, however hazy this memory, I still think Karmahunter would be a good HoS. They know first-hand why playing security to "win" against antags is ultimately unfun, and they really try to improve the round for everyone as Sec. It seems they really the lessons of the old guard HoSes to heart.

Messages In This Thread
Karmahunter's HoS application - by Karmahunter - 12-05-2019, 08:10 PM
RE: Karmahunter's HoS application - by Drago156 - 12-06-2019, 06:40 AM
RE: Karmahunter's HoS application - by OMJ - 12-06-2019, 08:54 AM
RE: Karmahunter's HoS application - by Heiraphont - 12-16-2019, 11:44 PM
RE: Karmahunter's HoS application - by Studenterhue - 12-18-2019, 04:59 PM

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