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Nerf Acid Spit
There are some problems here.

The changeling spit is the only thing changelings have to down people effectively, neurotoxin sting takes approximately 30 seconds or so ( from old health system i dont fucking know) to down someone cold, while it does allow for a good 3 or so minutes of KO, it takes so long to activate and gives such visible signs of being stung that everyone is going to scream your name because jesus christ nobody takes 30 seconds to type

" Alferdo Handkerchief is a changeling at medbay in the third right corridor to robotics in the top most right corner, he has currently used his neurotoxin ability but is still vulnerable, AI please send securit-BLARGH!"

Toxin spit and neurotoxin sting are the changeling's bread and butter, you take one away and it screws up the whole system, the whole point of the changeling is that it is an extremely deadly predator that cannot easily be defeated in 1V1 combat.

Also, to Motherfucker: a person has been pointing out legitimate criticism's to your honestly not well thought out suggestion, and you reply with accusing them of bitching and moaning

This idea is incredibly stupid.

here is a good idea: one or the other, make acid spit a close range attack that downs people without question of hitting them while they happen to move one tile, or make it a ranged attack that lets you click on someone with the power activated to throw your spit at em. ( kind of like the suggestions for the wizard's fire ball.

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