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Major Chamelion Projections Behave Like Lockers.
This probably made sense when the chameleon projector was first coded, but these days it causes issues. For instance, you can bounce around the projection and stun yourself; this is obviously not intended. It also means that you can't interact with anything "outside" the projection; this is annoying and greatly reduces the projector's efficacy, but may be intentional. It costs, after all, all of two telecrystals, and still protects you from AI turrets, so it's not completely worthless.

EDIT: I suppose this qualifies as a major, insofar as there's no real workaround that isn't simply turning it off.

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Chamelion Projections Behave Like Lockers. - by Urlance Woolsbane - 10-15-2019, 10:57 PM

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