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Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy!
Heeeeyyyyy guys.

I...uh...I kinda didn't post yesterday cause I had literally the worst round ever and not only was I too angry to remember this was a thing, I probably would have fucked shit up for no reason.

Better now <3.

(09-17-2018, 06:36 AM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Flesh Illiteracy:

I can't fuckin read i guess ??
Okay I scramble back to the operating theatre to get something a little more weapon-like, and take a second to douse myself in Styptic. Then I log on to and post something in a totally-not-metagaming way.

(09-17-2018, 06:40 AM)Flesh Utopia Wrote: Henlo I am an regulare human SS13 Playere:

I wouldn Likes to joint this campaigne:

I Joins As An Monsieur "Humane Man Space", the Staffe Andsistant.

As Mye Firste Actiòn, I rush directement to le Médbay 2 Helpe any normale lookinge docteurs.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Did...did you make a whole new account just to do this?
[Image: image.gif?w=400&c=1]

You die like a little bitch.
Well done.

Highlander and S.A.A.D.
I have no idea what that means so I decided to use the least appropriate related thing I could find based on urban dictionary.

Recusor (6)
You quickly open an insert a pack of ear plugs.
That's better.

You take your cyanide capsule.  (Health check, near death)  It won't take long before that happens.

Time to send a drone of to security for some incredibly basic repairs.
Despite the sheer number of explosives involved, it seems most of the cameras are still intact here.  You go about and fix them.
You don't see anything out of the ordinary.  Beyond the rubble I guess.

Flesh Utopia * (5)
Let's see if we can find something useful.
Charcoal?  Nah.
Mannitol?  Maybe later.
Sabultamol?  If you were a loser, maybe.
Styptic powder?  Perfect.
You immediately spill it all over your face. 
"To weep is to make less the depth of grief."
That didn't sound like a scream.  But the powder worked.  Somehow.

Humane Man Space * 
You immediately run to medbay to definitely not help yourself.
The front seems did you...he get in again?
Oh right.  He had an ID.  Shit.

* New Trait earned.
Cheater: Dude, that's a pretty low blow.  Every turn, roll a D6.  On a roll of X or lower, both this character and the other character with the same ID number are immediately banned (where X = the number of times something metagamey happened with either character).  
Current Cheater Rank:1 (Roll:4)
Weird Timer:7
Shuttle Timer:4

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RE: Get Dat Fukken Disk 3: The end of a trilogy! - by Technature - 09-18-2018, 12:44 AM

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