08-31-2018, 05:22 PM
The Mindslave module - Is it a traitor item for all medical personal, or just doctors? I really like the idea of it. It might even be worth ambushing sec, killing them, then stealing their cloning disks to have yourself a force of mindslaved security, assuming it's a permanent thing.
I'm always a fan of ways that antags can include others in their round (I.e. hive mind or mindslaving) so it's a great idea in my opinion.
On the subject of the other modules, can they be removed? How about the DNA injector being swapped out? I can see particularly rude traitors sticking something in like reinforced radioactivity or other harmful mutation.
I'm always a fan of ways that antags can include others in their round (I.e. hive mind or mindslaving) so it's a great idea in my opinion.
On the subject of the other modules, can they be removed? How about the DNA injector being swapped out? I can see particularly rude traitors sticking something in like reinforced radioactivity or other harmful mutation.