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Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes.
(07-19-2018, 05:15 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Replace the shuttle call with a station self destruct button. No survivors

For a moment, I really digged this, because it could make calling and recalling the shuttle into a frantic, deranged nuke armament/disarmament fiasco, like a mini nuke ops round. But then I realized I wouldn't be seeing all those swanky new CentComm offices and all their little details and easter eggs as much. I could still try all the tricks to get to Centcomm early, but I'd still lose my usual means of getting there.

Real talk though, I really have to side with Dyssal. Some people can prep up and be ready to leave within six minutes. But a significant portion of the community can't. They're not trying hard to "win" or anything, and the people who can aren't necessarily easy-going people or taking sleazy shortcuts. (They could, for example, just have nothing better to do)

It's not hard to accommodate these people and improve their game experience. aimple "The shuttle is arriving soon" reminder announcement can help them know when it's time to wrap things up (just like reminders in general). A three minute ETD is a comfortable amount of time to quickly finish up, get to the shuttle, and deal with any breaches or obstructions that may in the way, and it isn't going to hurt people who're already prepped and ready to go. (And for reasons Dyssal's already outlined, it's not going to lessen any last-minute treachery.)

There are alternatives/solutions, sure, to some of these time management issues. Transporting corpses to the shuttle via Port-A-Medbay or body bag rather than cloning/borging them, using teleport beacons/telepads to warp precious through the station, just letting things go and run their course--there's definitely plenty. But if somebody can't find any closure in them, I see no issue in it.

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RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - by Studenterhue - 07-19-2018, 10:37 PM

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