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Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - Printable Version

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Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - Bologna Prime - 07-16-2018

This has consistently been a source of disappointment and disgruntlement since I've seen it implemented, and I imagine there's a few people out there who would agree. The one minute shaved off the ETD is minimal for the purposes of making rounds end quicker, while having the effect of making anyone in a slightly sticky situation or inopportune position unable to get to the shuttle. Less people on the shuttle is generally more boring, both for the shuttle itself and the people who missed it, which is why it'd be pretty nice to see the original ETD restored.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - DyssalC - 07-16-2018

The lowered time really makes it hard to get to the shuttle last minute. Like, if you're at the bar on Cog1, a single breach often means you simply aren't making it on. God forbid you need to break a window or hack a door to get to the shuttle, because it's just pointless then.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - babayetu83 - 07-16-2018

if you're worried about not making it to the shuttle on time then why go to the other end of the map? what were you doing during the 10 minutes before the shuttle arrived?

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - Triacontakai - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 04:48 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: if you're worried about not making it to the shuttle on time then why go to the other end of the map? what were you doing during the 10 minutes before the shuttle arrived?
shuttle arrives in 6 minutes now

i agree, i've had moments where i barely manage to get to the shuttle in 3 minutes, and have missed the shuttle plenty of times in 2 minutes.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - kyle2143 - 07-16-2018

I'm still in the camp that there should be a "delay departure" button that you could press if you swipe a head ID on the shuttle.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - ZeWaka - 07-16-2018

This can definitely be changed. More community input is required.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - KikiMofo - 07-16-2018

I think it's fine now. You have 6 minutes to get to escape before the shuttle gets there and three minutes till it leaves. You just gotta prepare better.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - Flourish - 07-16-2018

Yeah, I agree that the current 2 minute ETD is a bit short. As DyssalC said, if you're at the opposite side of the station, it becomes pretty hard to get to escape in time if there's any sort of breach or obstacle. Sure, you could head towards escape earlier, but the audio announcement is when the shuttle docks, and that probably serves as the reminder for most people.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - SimianC - 07-16-2018

(07-16-2018, 04:46 PM)DyssalC Wrote: The lowered time really makes it hard to get to the shuttle last minute. Like, if you're at the bar on Cog1, a single breach often means you simply aren't making it on. God forbid you need to break a window or hack a door to get to the shuttle, because it's just pointless then.

Agreed. The other day I played a round where an ill-timed radiation event resulted in most of the crew missing the shuttle or boarding the shuttle only to succumb to radiation. I think reverting back to 3 minutes would give crew just enough leeway in the event of a spatial tear, hull breach, or blowout.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - The Grim Sleeper - 07-17-2018

I have no strong feelings about a 2 minute or 3 minute ETD.

But I do want to say that if there is a teleport beacon on the shuttle, you can warp to it using the 'Heads only'-teleport pad, even ATFER it has departed. When I play paramedic (or Sec during a not very hectic round), I make sure to throw a beacon on the shuttle and deliberately stay to help people get to the teleporter. "No one left behind."

(07-16-2018, 06:41 PM)Flourish Wrote: the audio announcement is when the shuttle docks, and that probably serves as the reminder for most people.
Can we get an audio announcement when the shuttle is called?Endless loops of 'Call/Recall' announcements are kind of a staple on other SS13 servers.
Or an audio announcement when the shuttlehas reached the point of no return, if audio-spam is a concern?

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - cyberTripping - 07-17-2018

(07-17-2018, 12:18 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote: Or an audio announcement when the shuttlehas reached the point of no return

Was also going to suggest this. A simple "The shuttle will arrive soon" type message would be a nice reminder for people to get their shit in gear and not be across the map when it finally shows up

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - DyssalC - 07-18-2018

I'm not seeing anyone saying why it should stay 2 minutes. Does anyone have any reasons it should stay 2 reasons?
Also the reason I'm not just waiting at escape is because 1. That's a very easy way to die and 2. People who are actually doing things in a round often get caught up doing said things, whether it be traitoring, dealing with traitoring, or some other gimmick.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - The Grim Sleeper - 07-18-2018

(07-18-2018, 11:30 AM)DyssalC Wrote: I'm not seeing anyone saying why it should stay 2 minutes. Does anyone have any reasons it should stay 2 reasons?
The whole reason that times got reduced in the first place: People got bored (and, as you mentioned, killed) waiting around for the shuttle to arrive and then to leave.
Keeping it short will make the window of time to 'ruin it' shorter.

The real problem these people have isn't that it's too short, it's that they can't travel across the station in 2 minutes, and can't plan ahead for 6 minutes.
I've never missed the shuttle with the reduced timer, at least not when I tried to reach it.

I am honestly more in favor of making the journey time longer, so people can learn that all is not lost (see my previous post). But again, if easy sleasy wins out over try-hard-nerd-winner, that is fine too.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - DyssalC - 07-19-2018

(07-18-2018, 09:40 PM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(07-18-2018, 11:30 AM)DyssalC Wrote: I'm not seeing anyone saying why it should stay 2 minutes. Does anyone have any reasons it should stay 2 reasons?
The whole reason that times got reduced in the first place: People got bored (and, as you mentioned, killed) waiting around for the shuttle to arrive and then to leave.
Keeping it short will make the window of time to 'ruin it' shorter.

The real problem these people have isn't that it's too short, it's that they can't travel across the station in 2 minutes, and can't plan ahead for 6 minutes.
I've never missed the shuttle with the reduced timer, at least not when I tried to reach it.

I am honestly more in favor of making the journey time longer, so people can learn that all is not lost (see my previous post). But again, if easy sleasy wins out over try-hard-nerd-winner, that is fine too.

One minute longer is not going to turn the wait for departure into excruciating boredom, and also it's kind of hard to kill an entire shuttle full of people without a bomb, and honestly 2 minutes or 3 minutes isn't going to change how hard that bomb ruins the shuttle.

That is in fact not the real problem. When you play a hectic round you can't just drop what you're doing to prepare for the shuttle. You can't drop your dying patient just so you can board, you can't let the criminal get away just so you have time to navigate the cold breaches, and you can't just leave the AI subverted so you have just enough time to make it to the shuttle, which will likely be bolted and shocked anyways.

And finally, don't say things like "if easy sleasy wins out over try-hard-nerd-winner". It gives the impression that you're trying to turn this into an issue of "easy vs. hard" when that is not the case at all. The escape shuttle is not a competition, and it shouldn't be treated like one.

RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - The Grim Sleeper - 07-19-2018

(07-19-2018, 11:52 AM)DyssalC Wrote: One minute longer (...)
The timers were shortened in the first place because people wanted 'ended' rounds to be over quicker.

(07-19-2018, 11:52 AM)DyssalC Wrote: ... you can't just drop what you're doing
Yes you can.
In fact, in case of an serious problem, it is better for able-bodied personnel to assist in getting people to safety, rather then to try and patch them up in a failing station. The Port-a-med will help you transport a patient. Guards protect the personnel first on the shuttle first and the station second.

(07-19-2018, 11:52 AM)DyssalC Wrote: ... don't say things like ...
I apologize if it hurt your feelings, but you asked for reasons why not to lengthen the timer, and I stated some.
I am not a fan of frustration though difficulty, but I feel this isn't one of those scenarios. If you want to make it to the shuttle, you must go to it. If your stuff is too important for that, you will have to take the (next-to-non-existent) penalty of staying behind to finish it.
It is a simple decision moment.
In my experience, it is hardly impossible to traverse a station in less then 120 seconds. You may have to run across a breach, you may have to leave the crate of loot or your friend behind but it can be done on every station.
As you learn to navigate each of the stations it gets easier and a little game in it's own right.