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Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes.
Im of the opinion that departure should be longer, even as non traitor crew, we can shorten the shuttle timer, so having it short by default makes that mechanic kind of useless in my opinion.

I try my hardest to bring everyone I can to the shuttle, from folks who don't know where the shuttle is and need to learn that to last minute cloning someone and dragging them to the shuttle.

When you say " it is better for able-bodied personnel to assist in getting people to safety, rather then to try and patch them up in a failing station" i assume you mean between rounds, otherwise, WE are those able bodied personnel, dragging people unable to walk on their own is a bitch, and no, we dont have to do it, but its more satisfying to try to really quickly fix it than to say fuck it and leave people and situations behind, and if we get left behind trying to do more than 3 minutes of work: oh well.  We had 3 fuckin' minutes to finish and get to the shuttle, rather than 2 where if youre not already en route and done with yer shit, ya might as well just putz around till end of round, theres a high chance yer not gonna make it if youre not close already.

Lets make missing the shuttle your own fault, or an antag with good planning's fault, rather than a short timer's fault.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bump the shuttle ETD back to 3 minutes. - by Eibel - 07-19-2018, 03:36 PM

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