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Minor The ghost gun does not bust ghosts.
So, currently if you have some ecto specs and an ectoplasmic destabilizer, you cannot bust ghosts. This is very sad and renders my silly occult investigator custom job a little useless.

To reproduce the bug, do this:

Equip your ectogoggles/spec and a ghostgun, shoot at a ghost, you'll receive a message like this -

Quote:Hanna Strawberry fires the ectoplasmic destabilizer at the cloth carpet!

"Melanie Blowfist is not a ghost, and is therefore unaffected by the ectoplasmic bolt!"

You also receive a message as a ghost when hit, but none of the changes occur.

What should happen: Shooting a ghost changes their sprite to the hollow ghost. The ghost should drop a wig of their hair. A blob of ecoplasm should fall at their feet.

What does happen: The ghost stops floating up and down briefly. None of the other effects occur.

Messages In This Thread
The ghost gun does not bust ghosts. - by Gannets - 12-21-2017, 11:17 AM

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