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Minor The ghost gun does not bust ghosts. - Printable Version

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The ghost gun does not bust ghosts. - Gannets - 12-21-2017

So, currently if you have some ecto specs and an ectoplasmic destabilizer, you cannot bust ghosts. This is very sad and renders my silly occult investigator custom job a little useless.

To reproduce the bug, do this:

Equip your ectogoggles/spec and a ghostgun, shoot at a ghost, you'll receive a message like this -

Quote:Hanna Strawberry fires the ectoplasmic destabilizer at the cloth carpet!

"Melanie Blowfist is not a ghost, and is therefore unaffected by the ectoplasmic bolt!"

You also receive a message as a ghost when hit, but none of the changes occur.

What should happen: Shooting a ghost changes their sprite to the hollow ghost. The ghost should drop a wig of their hair. A blob of ecoplasm should fall at their feet.

What does happen: The ghost stops floating up and down briefly. None of the other effects occur.

RE: The ghost gun does not bust ghosts. - Cirrial - 12-21-2017

fuck this is my fault, fix coming asap

edit: fix made

RE: The ghost gun does not bust ghosts. - Gannets - 12-21-2017

Merry christmas and god bless.