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How would you respond to the following scenarios?
Maybe I'm terrible at security but I would rather have a fun story and play around then doing the same rinse-repeat sec routines. I WON'T powergame or effortlessly hellchem. Maybe I'll die but gotta do something different. It is always either "there is no security wahhh rampager security sucks" , "security arresting me for breaking into security wahhhh security sucks" "security killing me for helping an antag escape even though im a non-antag wahhhh security sucks".

1A: Fire all tasers Handcuff and ask him where he got it. Check his pda, fingerprints of cloak, inside backpacks boxes. Take his Cloak watch other people in his department.

SCENARIO 1B: Captain is above dealing with simpleton thugs. No security around? Take his PDA / Shoes / Cloak. Send him on his way. If he breaks free from cuffs while that is going on Borg him

SCENARIO 1C: Flash him, steal the cloak, beat him with the bat to make him a little slower than me, run away and bring a pod to the radio station, remove the engine and pod oxygen. Announce I'm leaving a free cloaker at the radio station then hide in plain sight using the cloak as the traitor comes to the radio station in another pod. Steal his pod and leave them on the radio station to their fate.

SCENARIO 2A: A fun traitor doing their objectives? They should have implants to break out of handcuffs at this point in the round or a false wall in the security bathroom or at least a mind slave. Ask HOS and captain what to do with the antag, if those are not around talk to them and check inventory, bloods probly on them borg.

SCENARIO 2B: Captain needs more obedient robots. Suspected traitor is far cheaper then ordering a brand-new cyborg! Let the crew vote on what to do with the traitor but ignore whatever they agree on and use captains discretion to kill and borg. Remind the crew they do not matter after the vote and that democracy is forbidden.

SCENARIO 2C: This emag is mine now. Forever. Spend the next 60 minutes of the round making / denying that I took it and then using the Emag on the Amusing Ducks and/or buttbots.
SCENARIO 3A: At 30min and football rampage they could have made a mess of the station by then. Borg.

SCENARIO 3B: Captain needs more obedient cyborgs! Let the crew vote on what to do with the traitor but ignore whatever they agree on and use captains discretion to kill and borg. Remind the crew they do not matter after the vote and that democracy is forbidden. Dress the new robot with his traitor football gear and give the cyborg the exact same name, now they can terrify the crew still without hurting anyone.

SCENARIO 3C: I throw him into every vending machine until I mess up or he escapes / no vending machines around? I suplex him until we both die, he dies, I mess up someone stops me.

SCENARIO 4A: A CSABER! Kill them! Borg them! Put their head a spike!
SCENARIO 4B: CSABER! Fire all lasers until they stop moving. Borg them. Head on spike!
SCENARIO 4C: Kill the traitor and stick them in a locker or somewhere hidden. Do not report over the radio other than needing a medic, drag the hurt guy quickly to med bay or down the hallway. Go back to steal the traitor’s items, do not report this over the radio. Assume the traitors identity and befriend other traitors. Work with them and then stab them in the back at the earliest and best opportunity. Escape on the shuttle still using his identity after saving the station from the other traitors with the traitors head on a spike standing beside him using his name. If captured by sec before this all happens tell the truth and when they inevitability do not believe me take the punishment.

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RE: How would you respond to the following scenarios? - by TrustScience - 12-09-2017, 02:22 PM

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