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How would you respond to the following scenarios?
I’ll play, but I don’t play much security.

1a: Confiscate the cloak and write a ticket. If they resist, throw them in the brig for 90 seconds and go through their stuff looking for other contraband.
1b: Politely ask why they’re invisible. If they come up with a funny response, warn them to be more careful and let them go. If they get violent/mouth off, zap them if possible and inform security.
1c: *scream, flash, beat them with the bat while screaming over the radio about a traitor.

2a: Arrest, interrogate them, confiscate their traitor gear. Brig for appropriate time. Leave them their Syndicate PDA.
2b: Call Security, zap them if possible. You’re not getting away with murder on my station!
2c: Steal the emag. Fart on the traitor. Give the AI some new laws.

3a: Drag to security, confiscate everything and brig them for 4 minutes. Put on trial if possible. If not, let them go as a hard-mode traitor.
3b: Stun and space them ASAP, Space Law be damned.
3c: Put them in crit, steal everything, leave them for dead.

4a: Arrest, confiscate, trial, etc.
4b: *scream, C-Saber their limbs off and drag them to medbay.
4c: Toolbox them, fart on them a bunch, and throw them out an airlock.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How would you respond to the following scenarios? - by LuigiThirty - 12-07-2017, 12:14 AM

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