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How would you respond to the following scenarios?
SCENARIO 1A: Since I'm HoS, I stun that fool with either a burst taser or a normal one. I'll pick up the cloaker and fart on the perpetrator. Then I drag him to the interrogation room, since cloakers are contraband on the station, and they must be questioned!
SCENARIO 1B: I'll grab the energy gun and dual-wield it with a flash. The flash would be applied, and I'll grab gun them to take them hostage. Then, I'll handcuff them and bring them to security lobby for the officers to deal with.
SCENARIO 1C:I'll steal the cloaker to increase my powergaming level and gain bonus points. After that, if he has recovered I'll flash them, then fart on their face. I'll also spam laughing.

SCENARIO 2A: It would depend on the secure area. If they are messing with my turf, MY ARMORY, then I'll construct an electric chair for a public pay-per-view execution. If it's genetics I'll give them a reward. Else, I'll secure the contraband in a crate and set them in the brig for 5m.
SCENARIO 2B: Genetics clause still applies. I'll probably do the contraband crate thing as well. I would also scan them for blood.
SCENARIO 2C: I'll steal that emag and then use it on them, mindslaving them. After that, I'll tell my newfound mindslave to harass security.

SCENARIO 3A: If they are attempting to escape, I'll just beat them until red health. If they are being really unruly I'll crit them and give them epi + salicylic from the medkit next to the brig. I'll also steal all their gear and proclaim myself the new football star. Maybe permabrig them or just release them with only a prison jumpsuit.
SCENARIO 3B: I would probably follow the same beating method. However, I would proclaim to the station that football is now mandatory and we would all play a great game of soccer.
SCENARIO 3C:Since I have them in a killgrab, I'll suplex them for style points. Then, I'll elbow dive off a chair a few times. After they die from my repeated vigilante justice blows, I'll put the corpse in a closet and tell security where it is.

SCENARIO 4A: I would stun them again with the hilt of the csaber to be sure. Then, I'll cuff them and bring them back to security for processing. They might be executed, but they could also choose their own adventure: csaber torture, exile to a moon, or cut off all their limbs and put them on a segway.
SCENARIO 4B: Same as above.
SCENARIO 4C: Since I'm well equipped, that means I have my signature powergaming item: N2O tank. I'll perform ghetto surgery on them and shove the csaber inside of them, which would then slice off their ass, allowing for me to add it to my asshat collection. I would also steal an arm and a leg and throw it at people passing by in the hallway.

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RE: How would you respond to the following scenarios? - by ZeWaka - 12-07-2017, 12:09 AM

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