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[Feature] Pipebombs into Igniter/Signaller Assemblies and Proxy Assemblies
Assemblies with pipebombs

the new implementation works just like a beaker assembly: you add a pipebombFrame (so pipes, reagent, wires, but no detonator) to an existing Singaller/Igniter assembly and poof: a nifty looking Singaller/Igniter/pipebomb assembly
Also proximity/Igniter/pipebomb assemblies!
Also Timer/Igniter/pipebomb assemblies!

Setting off these assemblies results in the sound\weapons\armbomb.ogg. And after 3 seconds the bomb explodes (and you have hurtings).

Questions for the peeps:
None. Go and test this horribly maim eachother.

Current build fully tested (2017-12-16)

Code: Feedback/info would be much appreciated.

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[Feature] Pipebombs into Igniter/Signaller Assemblies and Proxy Assemblies - by The Grim Sleeper - 09-18-2017, 07:21 AM

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