08-02-2017, 04:07 PM
The quality of the bounty rewards varies wildy, a lot of the stuff is completely useless to your "murder all other heavily armed antagonists" objective, and the stuff that isn't is usually extremely robust. In the summary for a recent round one spy got an ammo box, kudzu seed, radio jammer, and a stimpack while another got two boxes of syndie donk pockets, a teleport gun and a safari set.
Matching a single spy up against 4 vampires (actually happened to me) or changelings and giving them unsuitable gear for spending 30 minutes doing *hot* bounties makes it feel like it isn't worth the effort, especially when you can make a backpack full of pipe-bombs and a flamethrower in five.
Matching a single spy up against 4 vampires (actually happened to me) or changelings and giving them unsuitable gear for spending 30 minutes doing *hot* bounties makes it feel like it isn't worth the effort, especially when you can make a backpack full of pipe-bombs and a flamethrower in five.