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Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - mbc - 05-22-2017

Put words about Spy_Theft mode in here.


the mode it is what I am calling a Traitor variant. Instead of spending TC to unlock items, you need to steal stuff.
Each Spy gets a list of items on their PDA that need to be stolen. All spies see the same items. The list refreshes every 10 mins or so.
Each time you steal an item and deliver it at the marked location, you get a random traitor item.
After completing enough item bounties, you are given the names of the other spies. You have to kill them and escape alive!

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - epicdwarf - 05-22-2017

Shit got too reel for me. I never got any traitor items when I sent an Item through.(Only sent one so it might be a glitch)
If you send in six items to get a name, do these carry over every "round" of stealing? If so, I would make that a lot more clear how many you have to go in the PDA program. It would also be cool if netting a personal item got you better syndicate gear.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - amaranthineApocalypse - 05-22-2017

Okay, so i was just one of these in the round i was just in, and i have to say it's pretty fun! I only have a few minor gripes about it

It kinda sucks how you can't acquire any more items after you've gotten your six, i ended up with relatively mediocre traitor items while i was playing, but i can see why you did it.

The command headset objective doesn't work, and displays the name of the item incorrectly to boot (ÿCommand Headset).

Some flavourtext for the different objects showing why the syndicate wants them, like with the objectives, would be cool too.

It can be kind of difficult to tell where exactly an objective is telling you to go sometimes, so some kind of pinpointer inside the PDA would be nice, that or a map that's labelled with the names of everything.

But aside from that? This mode is pretty much golden imo

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - mbc - 05-22-2017

(05-22-2017, 05:54 PM)epicdwarf Wrote: Shit got too reel for me. I never got any traitor items when I sent an Item through.(Only sent one so it might be a glitch)

If you send in six items to get a name, do these carry over every "round" of stealing?

It would also be cool if netting a personal item got you better syndicate gear.

1. Your PDA farts them out on the ground, maybe you missed it while moving through other stuff? 
2. Yes
3. I am considering this, but I don't want someone to load up on good items from the start (there is a hidden progression where the more bounties you get, the higher the reward value will be)

(05-22-2017, 06:02 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: It kinda sucks how you can't acquire any more items after you've gotten your six, i ended up with relatively mediocre traitor items while i was playing, but i can see why you did it.

The command headset objective doesn't work, and displays the name of the item incorrectly to boot (ÿCommand Headset).

It can be kind of difficult to tell where exactly an objective is telling you to go sometimes, so some kind of pinpointer inside the PDA would be nice, that or a map that's labelled with the names of everything.

1. adjusted the reward scheme so at least the last item you get will be a guaranteed high-telecrystal-value item.
2. probably fixed!
3. Going to correct area names as they come up. Let me know if any of them seem exceptionally misleading. I already done a few.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Sov - 05-22-2017

I like it for being such an objective orientated game mode rather than just a murderfest.

I already mentioned ingame to you the bug with the "toxins testing area" but I'll relist it her in case you forget.

There was a pretty epic moment where me, a clown, and a roboticist all ended up in Beepsky's room trying to steal his journal where we all realized we were enemy spies. It ended with a lot of trick cigar bombing, and me detonating my microbomb. So overall fun times.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Mageziya - 05-22-2017

Conceptually, if the Traitors only care about stealing objects and then killing each other, how do non-traitors get involved?

I get that the idea is they are ones you're stealing from, but beyond that there feels to be a disconnect between the two groups. What could connect the two better?

Possibly have additional people that a spy must kill be non-spies, with the non-spies that the spies needing to kill being specific to each personal. A rather large group of spies could also be made to be involved as to drag more people into it, though I don't know the current size of the spy pool for the round. You could also make it so that items to be sold could be human organs, as to motivate inter-group conflict (Though, make sure that monkey organs can't be used, somehow.)

Problem with all those suggestions that I gave is that they push towards this mode just being a gigantic murderfest. Maybe, this sorta independent scuffle just works. It almost fits how some people just want to do their jobs instead of becoming traitorous victims.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Musketman12 - 05-22-2017

Three suggestions

1. When you finally get a name, give them an ID tracker. It took me ages to find one spy.
2. Up the item limit, I finished and got my list in 20 minutes.
3. When you get a name, only give one name instead of every spy

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - ZeWaka - 05-22-2017

(05-22-2017, 07:42 PM)Mageziya Wrote: You could also make it so that items to be sold could be human organs, as to motivate inter-group conflict (Though, make sure that monkey organs can't be used, somehow.)

ahahahahahaha this used to be in the mode but it got removed before the tests because it wasn't working properly, I think

Also, sometimes you are tasked to steal random duder's ID cards. That kinda gets them involved, maybe a higher probability of stealing ID cards along with more spies scaling with pop?

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Frank_Stein - 05-22-2017

More things other than stealing might be neat? Like, getting photographs of specific people or things?

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - ZeWaka - 05-22-2017

(05-22-2017, 08:15 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: More things other than stealing might be neat? Like, getting photographs of specific people or things?


RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - mbc - 05-23-2017

added organs and photos!

edit: and an ID tracker as the final bounty reward

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Boon Yoon - 05-23-2017

So far, the spies don't really seem to engage the crew that often. The only action you see is due to normal silliness.

I watched sec play a round and a spy was mentioned once, but nothing really happened.

There needs to be more incentive for murder and mayhem, perhaps a higher chance of organ objectives. Right now, it feels like a stealth ling round, but with less death.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Noah Buttes - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 06:43 PM)Boon Yoon Wrote: So far, the spies don't really seem to engage the crew that often. The only action you see is due to normal silliness.

I watched sec play a round and a spy was mentioned once, but nothing really happened.

There needs to be more incentive for murder and mayhem.

But we also don't want this turning back into the old spy mode again, which was basically deathmatch 2.0

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Boon Yoon - 05-23-2017

Yeah that's a hard line to balance. Still, I don't think the round should end with a nearly full shuttle. Where is space drama without death?

I also think a spaceman, like the actual person, should be an objective.

RE: Spy_Theft gamemode feedbacks thread - Noah Buttes - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 06:51 PM)Boon Yoon Wrote: Yeah that's a hard line to balance. Still, I don't think the round should end with a nearly full shuttle. Where is space drama without death?

I also think a spaceman, like the actual person, should be an objective.
