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AI (Artificial Intelligence) - The Thread
Alright, here's some stuff I've posted before, with some edits 

  • Bot Command: Let the AI direct the various robots around the station. Commands should be simple, like "Go/stay here"  or "Follow that" Send medbots to an injured crewman, send securitrons to backup an officer, floorbots to repair breeches. Add new bot types for taking care of other areas like botany, and cargo
  • Beefier AI Drones: Add modules for the AI drones that will let them handle performing tasks that Bots cannot
  • Bookmarking: Place a bookmark on a tile or mob and assign it to a number key. Simply press that number to have your view travel to that spot
  • Waypoints: Someone need help finding something or someone? Set a waypoint for it by clicking it and naming it, and let people use trackers or PDA apps to guide them to the location. No need to give them constant verbal updates. Tag messes, breaches, dead bodies, fugitives from the law, and notify the appropriate human
  • Different vision modes: Cycle through different visions to help filter out information. Different vision types could include:
  1. Heat signatures - filters everything as a dark blue, while popping out humans, monkeys, and borgs as a bright orange. Useful for finding people in dark areas
  2. Atmospheric - filters everything as dark green. Tiles that contain gasses are brightly colored various pinks, oranges, reds based on what type of gas is prominent. Useful for spotting breaches
  3. Electrical - filters everything dark red. Electrical currents are highlighted a bright white, with intensity in proportion to the amount of power flowing through. Useful for detecting power outages and sinks
  • Fast Access Records: Click a person and get all of their records (Medical, Security, Payroll) brought up in one easy to use source that's editable. No hunting down a computer to set someone to arrest, or give them a raise. 
  • PDA Tracking: Someone not on your cameras? As long as they have a PDA registered to them and messaging is turned on, you can still locate them. (Probably need to know how the Overmind view is going to handle areas out of camera view, but a little blip in unseeable areas might be one way, the other is just giving you the room name and maybe an XY coordinate)
  • Holograms: AI gets to project a holographic version of itself, as well as the ability to scan people and items to create replications, that can exist anywhere in view of it's cameras. They can't interact with anything (though the AI can still control electronics around it) and people can pass through it causing a shimmering effect of the sprite. 
Any ability the AI has should be able to be toggled on and off. A machine for this purpose could be put into the AI room, though I think it might be interesting if the AI has multiple locations on the station that house some of it's functions. A rogue AI would have to divide it's attention between defending all these spots, rather than just it's core, giving the humans a bit more advantage in going against a stronger AI.

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RE: AI (Artificial Intelligence) - The Thread - by Frank_Stein - 05-23-2017, 10:19 AM

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