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Will the solarium GOOD ending ever be cleared?
Dumb idea to throw out there: Now that we can build AI cores, have someone build an AI during a post-sol disaster round.
It could simply be a hint towards Bradbury, both Bradbury and icarus are ai's but it might be something else it's just a simple connection
(03-16-2017, 08:42 AM)Flourish Wrote: There was an event on the NSS Destiny involving a Project Daedelus. I don't remember the exact details, unfortunately. Maybe there's also a Project Icarus or something?
Thats the same name as the other AI noted on the icarus wiki page

So they're connected alright

Another thing on the Daedalus page at the bottom it states this 
The name "Daedalus" is one of many symbolic names taken from the Greek mythology. Daedalus was a skilled craftsman and the father of Icarus. Trapped on an island with his son, he created a pair of wings from feathers and wax for himself and Icarus, and taught Icarus to fly. He warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun, because the wax would melt, nor too close to the sea, because the sea would soak the feathers. Once they took flight, Icarus, forgetting himself, began to soar upward toward the sun. The blazing sun softened the wax that held the feathers together, and they came off. Icarus fell into the sea and drowned. Daedalus cried, bitterly lamenting his own arts.

None of this has anything important to us but its something right? That being it has to do with the sun. 
These are the ramblings of a tired nerd at 1 in the morning.
The Wings=Project Sol
do you think its possible to get the timeship guy's brain out of him before he pops? maybe he says something if you put said brain into a borg or ai core or monkeyclone him
Im pretty sure that was done a while ago if I recall thats what gave us the code and lead to the discovery of the secret of the hydro handbook.
I heard that shooting the sun with emitters makes it blue, and that slitting your throat makes it red.

Maybe we should check back on the z-38 emitter to see if its now useable and if so drag it to sol 

If anyone flew to close to the sun Id say the catmandu researchers were the ones. They were doing some kind of research and it cost them their lives

Maybe related?
(03-17-2017, 06:01 AM)Sov Wrote: Maybe related?

From my intense research, I can surmise the following: 

Z-38 Emitter involves Holograms.
Those Holograms are involved with Sol somehow.
(03-19-2017, 08:47 AM)Wraithcraft Wrote:
(03-17-2017, 06:01 AM)Sov Wrote: Maybe related?

From my intense research, I can surmise the following: 

Z-38 Emitter involves Holograms.
Those Holograms are involved with Sol somehow.

Holograms aren't real...

Plasma isn't real...

During disaster rounds the sun is oddly distorted like a shitty hologram

Are we living in a simulation? Are we even in space?!? Or are we trapped in a VR by an AI who studies us, reseting the unvierse every hour or so. Changing who the villian is every time in some sort of round based manner

Quote:Stan pauses, the conclusion boggling himself even as he made it himself. " isn't real?"
The firey figure gazed upon him, and although it lacked any eyes or other discernible features, Stan could feel it gazing into his very soul, and as Stan gazed back, he sensed...amusement. He was being watched as one would observe an animal in a cage, trapped and unable to think beyond its prison.
"What is real, Stan?"
A blinding flash, and then...flames. The universe itself seemed to combust, the crew above shrieking in horror as they felt themselves being torched to their innermost essence of being. As Stan succumbed to the flames, a message called out throughout the entire crew...
"This isn't real."

o snap that burn was fire
(03-19-2017, 09:04 AM)Sov Wrote:
(03-19-2017, 08:47 AM)Wraithcraft Wrote:
(03-17-2017, 06:01 AM)Sov Wrote: Maybe related?

From my intense research, I can surmise the following: 

Z-38 Emitter involves Holograms.
Those Holograms are involved with Sol somehow.

Holograms aren't real...

Plasma isn't real...

During disaster rounds the sun is oddly distorted like a shitty hologram

Are we living in a simulation? Are we even in space?!? Or are we trapped in a VR by an AI who studies us, reseting the unvierse every hour or so. Changing who the villian is every time in some sort of round based manner

Quote:Stan pauses, the conclusion boggling himself even as he made it himself. " isn't real?"
The firey figure gazed upon him, and although it lacked any eyes or other discernible features, Stan could feel it gazing into his very soul, and as Stan gazed back, he sensed...amusement. He was being watched as one would observe an animal in a cage, trapped and unable to think beyond its prison.
"What is real, Stan?"
A blinding flash, and then...flames. The universe itself seemed to combust, the crew above shrieking in horror as they felt themselves being torched to their innermost essence of being. As Stan succumbed to the flames, a message called out throughout the entire crew...
"This isn't real."

o snap that burn was fire

W-woah... even the great Imaginatrix wouldn't have connected that.
The Solarium is a project to contain a small part of our universe...

that part being the station, the debris field surrounding it, and all those planets and other outposts surrounding THAT.

That's all that's left of the universe, everything else is a fiery inferno.

The Solarium is a graphical interface for that shell, killing the server means opening the shell.
(03-19-2017, 09:40 AM)MaRcuSTheDAWG Wrote: The Solarium is a project to contain a small part of our universe...

that part being the station, the debris field surrounding it, and all those planets and other outposts surrounding THAT.

That's all that's left of the universe, everything else is a fiery inferno.

The Solarium is a graphical interface for that shell, killing the server means opening the shell.

What about the Long Range Teleporter? It gives access to the entire milky-way.
Perhaps it is Really only giving access to various surviving pockets of "Not Quite everything is on fire".
I assumed that the station was a simulation after I saw this video megapaco uploaded, which is what got me into solarium lore in the first place
Looks like there is new stuff to the quantum telescope! Time to look into that, sol nerds.

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