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Handspiders shouldn't be able to use pods
there should be tech deck mini skateboards that handspiders can ride. and you can mount the little capsule figures on them too
good idea misto
how often do handspiders exist and arent following their master around like a weird gang? I say keep it as is
imo cogmap 2 does not have enough windows for it to matter

as a pod no one will see you

also you can't harass genetics,science, hydro, security, arrivals, the only place is at escape. This seems like it won't matter but during the 10min of the shuttle. Why remove something that applies to such a limited window of opportunity?

say if half the rwalls were changed to windows on the exterior, then corridors and departments across the map would have more of a view of space. I dunno,  I think the pods would be noticeable like on the previous maps. Do grenade pods get used on cogmap2? There a lot that effects this, but still IMO limited opportunity shouldn't be nerfed.
we dont know what the control setup is like inside pods. it is entirely possible that a little hand could drive it. theres no canon evidence against it
Controls in pods are simple enough to light a joint, put on clothes, and crack open an egg simultaneously (with a bit of physical and mental gymnastics) while flying, I'm sure a little hand can do it.
into the ground!
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE! Do not remove spiderpods. They are so fun.
I disagree!

also if you're up for some handspider shenanigans, try dragging around the piano or organ!

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