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[Feature] Tactical Nonslip Traitor Clown Shoes
Have you ever wanted to play as a clown and not worry about tripping over your own shoes? Well look no further. These tactical clown shoes will allow you to walk over any slippery surface and the best part is that you wont trip over you're own shoes.

They currently cost 2 telecrystals, but you can modify the cost to anything you want.

What I modified were and

    name = "Tactical Nonslip Clown Shoes"
    item = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/traitor_clown_shoes
    cost = 2
    desc = "A pair of nonslip shoes. All the squeak with zero slipping. A must for clowns that fall over."
    job = list("Clown")


    name = "clown shoes"
    desc = "Damn, thems some big shoes. Wait a minute... they're nonslip shoes."
    icon_state = "clown"
    item_state = "clown_shoes"
    step_sound = "clownstep"
    module_research = list("audio" = 5)
    c_flags = NOSLIP

Play-tested with no errors or warnings.
Neato idea, but the clown will have to remember a dose of mutadone lest his own innate clumsiness make him slip anyway!

Perhaps make the desc text less obvious, like "Damn, thems some big high-grip shoes."

I only suggest the different desc text since the sleepy pen says "A normal pen with a sharp point."
But do they count as clown clothes for the clown car?
I'd suggest adding these as a subtype of clown shoes, instead of a new path.
(07-17-2016, 09:29 AM)ErikHanson Wrote: I'd suggest adding these as a subtype of clown shoes, instead of a new path.
This. If you add them as a subset of clown shoes, clowns can drive the clown car while wearing them and won't slip due to clownishness in them.
(07-17-2016, 09:29 AM)ErikHanson Wrote: I'd suggest adding these as a subtype of clown shoes, instead of a new path.

It would probably be easier to do it that way, yeah.

Just change this one line of code after doing that:
I'll change the subtype of the shoes and make other edits.

Okay, almost done. I just need to edit the description.

Edit: Done.
The link you sent is for your copy of the code. As in, it has all of the plant patch stuff.
Non-slip clown shoes? That's kinda disappointing. Hasn't this been voted down multiple times before in the ideas section?
(07-17-2016, 11:15 PM)Erev Wrote: Non-slip clown shoes? That's kinda disappointing. Hasn't this been voted down multiple times before in the ideas section?

Mostly positive.
Ah, guess I'm wrong then. Fair enough. I do like this whole community patch thing but do sometimes worry it could be used to backdoor pet ideas while bypassing discussion (not the case here).
(07-18-2016, 07:48 AM)Erev Wrote: Ah, guess I'm wrong then. Fair enough. I do like this whole community patch thing but do sometimes worry it could be used to backdoor pet ideas while bypassing discussion (not the case here).

It's still subject to discussion in the actual patch threads, and a patch still has to be approved by a coder and manually implemented by said coder.
Yes, but I'm pretty certain people don't check it like the ideas subforum. Plus it sounds like stuff is set in stone/you'll piss off or have wasted the coders time. I think that mechanics based changes should go through the ideas forum before a coder tackles them.
Idea: bundle this with a clown mask that accepts internals.
I support this and Noah's idea

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