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Mageziya's Irrelevant Sprites
I touched up the animation a little bit. Touched up shading, the initial transition, and a few end frames. Also figured out how to get a gif directly from byond, so the frame timings should be accurate too.

[Image: UDMiw7C.gif]

DMI File Download.
Let me know if I messed anything up.
Just realized that I never named the inner sprite-bit for the wraith DMI. Whoops/

I made some artifact hearts after seeing the artifacts suggestion thread.

[Image: ldmq5Gy.png]

I really like these sprites.
Credit to references used: Artifact sprites for color, and the normal and cyber heart sprites for the shapes of the sprites. Sprites were made by modifying the two heart sprites with the artifact colors.

Thought processes for each.
Martian: Bleb-y. (Funfact: Bleb is an actual scientific term.) Weird chambers, spheres, based off of the shown reference artifact. An overall alien piece of anatomy that probably shouldn't be put in a human but still looks like a heart. Is it an actual Martian heart or a piece of Martian technology? Who knows!

Eldritch: Sharp, pointy, uncomfortable, almost cancerous looking. You'd need to be insane to want a transplant for one of these.

Wizard: Wizards are just magical humans, so the heart is very similar in shape to a normal human heart. It's just made of shiny magic Protoss metal and draws power from the gem attached to it. These would probably almost always have beneficial effects if transplanted.

Ancient: Tubular, dude. Ancient artifacts are stupidly blocky at times, so just have a cylinder on a stick.

Precursor: The most defining feature of precursor artifacts is a stack of cylindrical discs, so have a tapered stack of cylindrical discs with the knobby thing that these artifacts also tend to have.

I haven't included a DMI because I still need the make the sprite that appears on a person's body, like after when someone gets a robo-heart transplant. It's just a little patch that appears on people's chests, but it's annoying enough to make me put off finishing everything.
nice heartifacts
Thank you.

I did the implanted versions. There's no way to not make these not look at least a little weird due to the tiny amount of space involved with them.
[Image: xaDCCyc.gif]
I also touched up the main heart sprites a little bit, but the changes are extremely minor.
[Image: 0T3Clfw.png]

Finally, here's the DMI file.

Let me know if I messed up the link.
I like 'em. I would like to see artifacts that you can implant into players.
So a thought popped into my mind.

Eldritch limbs!
[Image: RbEJUqS.png]

These aren't artifacts per-say. An artifact could drop them akin to how the bee artifact currently works. Alternatively, one unpleasant effect of getting an Eldritch heart transplant is that all of your limbs turn into these. That's can't be a good thing, can it?

"Doc, I don't feel so well..."
"Did the heart transplant cause an-OH GOD"
[Image: ZPu1iuo.gif]

It's a zergling, Lester. One of them smaller kinds of Zerg.

I get having limbs have super-extendy bits probably isn't a good thing normally, due to clothes layering, but these are spikes and crap, so they'd poke through stuff. Some of the on skin extensions are meant to give a vibe of infection.

There's no DMI right now (Aside from a basic prelimary one.), because I can't figure out what I'm supposed to make. The limbs as items, are they seperate? And then there's this weird ass thing I keep finding in the DMI where the feet and the leg-part of the leg are separate for most limbs, and I can't quite wrap my head around why. (Is it because of shoes?) Some input on this aspect would be helpful.
(03-20-2016, 08:07 PM)Mageziya Wrote: There's no DMI right now (Aside from a basic prelimary one.), because I can't figure out what I'm supposed to make. The limbs as items, are they seperate? And then there's this weird ass thing I keep finding in the DMI where the feet and the leg-part of the leg are separate for most limbs, and I can't quite wrap my head around why. (Is it because of shoes?) Some input on this aspect would be helpful.

Yeah its because of when you are just missing one leg you aren't missing both leg clothes or have both leg clothes. As for the other part, its because of shoes I think yeah.
Really interesting idea there with the heart having the chance to mutate (?) you once implanted. 

Wizard heart slowly gives you minor non-offensive wizard powers, like phase and you keep growing a white beard?

Eldritch, limb replacement with some perks, such as not slipping or prying open doors?

Martian, Martian mobs don't atrack you?

Other hearts, do other things. 

I'm tired so the wizard thing was the only idea that popped into my mind right away, springboarding off of your Eldritch limbs idea. Also the reason everything is a question?
I like this idea a lot, actually. Beneficial/harmless/??? chems, temporary mutations/powers, limb replacements are all cool things-- make them feel a little bit weighty, because you did literally get your heart pulled out to stuff this gross thing in there!!
Well, it was a little nightmare, but I managed to make the DMI file.

DMI Here. Let me know if something went wrong.

The DMI should have everything that's needed. These kind of sprites are the ones where I'm afraid that there's a one pixel spacing error here or there, which concerns me, but every part of the sprites are present, so any errors on my part could be corrected as needed.

I also changed the veins of the limbs on the body be asymmetric, because the perfect symmetry was looking a little odd. It's a minor change and annoying to display again so I'm not putting another image up.

Welp, now there are sprites, and people seem to like the sprites and concepts. All seems to be left is for someone to go "im coder" and be willing to trudge through the ancient code that comprises artifacts. Unlike most item suggestions, artifact effects seem a little nightmarish to implement, so I don't think it could even be made as a suggested patch.
So I decided to help fiddle with perspective stuff, and I noticed that the teleporter room (The one for the heads, not science.) appears to be using an ancient sprite. I decided to resprite it, but I ran into a strange problem with it.
[Image: rnfL0R1.png]
[Image: D5Ng5Sm.gif]
The new perspective is supposed to account for multiple orientations, but this sprite has a very strange problem with that. This new sprite, like the old sprite, looks like a monolith rectangular prism with a bunch of controls on it. The problem with this is that if you rotate it, being a rectangular prism, you can only ever really see one side at a time with it, unless I've completely misunderstand the new perspective. The controls are only on one side, while the rest is boring machinery, meaning that if it faces any direction other than south, you can't see a controll face. Even more curious, the old sprite slightly held this perspective, yet every single teleporter that I can think of has all the equipment against the bottom of the room, against perspective. The on-station room, the diner, and the void all have their teleporters like this.

The solution for the sprite of course is to slant it, but that just looks stupid, so I'm sorta stuck here. I'm not sure what to do, so I'm going to try and work on the teleporter-gate itself, except that I already know that said sprite is going to be a nightmare to redo.

Edit: I miiiiight be an idiot. Still in the process of confirming that.

Edit2: Alright I've bitten off far more than I can chew, because the teleporter gate itself is the raw embodiment of nightmares in perspective.

Edit3: Conclusion: I made a mistake by thinking I was competent. Rip this sprite and related.
I've got a lot of free time coming up, so I'm opening this thread to requests. I'm not guaranteed to make anything though.
I'd really appreciate it if you would make a high-tech satchel looking thing for civilian and mining borgs.

If not, that's fine too.
I can try and make a satchel. I'll get to that when I can.

On a side note, I was in the middle of making a plague doctor mask to burn some time when you posted.

[Image: 2Auo4ax.png]

[Image: SsW0mR1.gif]

It's a small aesthetic thing. Would fit either in chapel or in some dark corner in the maintenance halls behind medbay. Great for forming your own cult! or pretending to be a bird! or just creeping people out.

I personally really like how the item image came out.

I also made a nastied version, to fit with the plague doctor aesthetic:
[Image: j3PDeiL.png]
[Image: ebWN6ri.gif]
It's probably not a good idea to wear it. Great for admin gimmicks and telescience!

DMI should be attached to this post, along with unnesscary demo-reel images in the DMI that I used to make the GIFs.

Edit: On a side-side note: Most of the sprites in this thread were made before the patch sub-forums were a thing. If anyone wants to try patching in things like the wraith death or the heartifacts (Godspeed if you do the heartifacts), go right ahead, because I'm not really planning on learning Byond coding.

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.dmi   plagueMask.dmi (Size: 1.85 KB / Downloads: 412)
Very cool!

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