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Give the CE a pet.
locusts Wrote:It occurs to me that an animal used to aid large scale engineering projects in real life is the ferret. The end of a cable would be tied to it and it would happily shoot down a long tunnel that needs cable running through it. Therefore I would like to suggesg a big happy ferret that likes to get into lockers and crates.
I suggested this for QM but maybe the CE should get a ferret named Jeffrey instead
Clearly the CE should get an engineer in the box as an pet.

Not THE engineer in the box of course but just an box that shakes lots and screaming can be heard from within. It's said the CE heard of the myth of the original Engineer in the box so he shoved an random engineer inside. Sadly this didn't work out.

Possible Mechanics-
If you open the box an crazed engineer comes out and attacks anyone in sight. He will prioitize the CE over anyone else
it can also be shoved into furnance for fuel
Shaking that happens when someone flips inside the container
Cries for help in chat to be let out
You can feed him and he will thank you profusely. He won't attack you if you let him out of the box though it won't work if your the CE
What about just a cardboard box placed over a spiffed up floorbot?
Frank_Stein Wrote:What about just a cardboard box placed over a spiffed up floorbot?

A cardboard box on a floorbot with some random animal scribbled on it in crayon?
I still want my rock lobster.
Pet singularity
Well, seeing how the entirety of engineering either accidently sets the whole station into a fireball in a large steel tube in space, or intentionally make a near-solar-great hot engine to make all the money, I say we have either a bottle containing a living Fire Elemental, or a lamp with a Fire Djinn. Any NON-CE attempting to pick up or otherwise damage either or will break/unleash the captured entity, and cause chaos with flinging fireballs everywhere before hiding in another container of any size nearby.

The cycle repeats: Anyone disturbing the container, be it box, crate, or locker, angers the sentient heat source, and causes it to unleash hellfire on the foolish mortal.
I still want a parrot that yells "OH GOD SING IS LOOSE" or something to that effect
pet plasma spore

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