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Windows migrating past the top border of the screen
Same here that method does not work for me. Is adding a "save&close" button at the bottom of the window out of the question? Similar to how the save option is for your character?
The trait window can be dragged around if you click on a place around the bottom right corner if the aforementioned doesn't work.
Vitatroll Wrote:The trait window can be dragged around if you click on a place around the bottom right corner if the aforementioned doesn't work.
Tried it, still no dice.
Grayshift Wrote:I just checked and the method I posted does work with the Traits popup.

Hit and release alt, then hit and release enter, it's not Alt+Enter.
Grayshift Wrote:I've run into the error a long time back. The solution I figured out if it was a window I couldn't resize was as follows.

Select the window. Press Alt, then enter. Use the arrow keys to select move, then use the arrow keys to reposition the window.

My apologize this does indeed work for me, after I re-read what you said and what not. Thank you so much and again sorry for not playing around with it longer, I swear though it was not working when I first tried it. Oh well no complaints now! Thank you so much!
Just committed a potential fix for this. Worked in local testing anyway.

Keep in mind servers don't build changes instantly so please wait a round or two before telling me it doesn't work and I'm a shit coder.
It's fixed on my end!
This is fixed for me also.
I will say that, while considerably less annoying and actually fixable without closing out of the entire client, the chem dispenser window still has a habit of slowly creeping upwards. Also the window is kind of obnoxiously tall. I won't be raising torches and pitchforks if it isn't fixed, but it's something to look into if desired.
This is fixed for me as well. Thanks Wire

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