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atomic1fire Wrote:In muncher station (formerly known as cogmap) you could convert the engine's mixture room into a gas chamber. Especially if you just set the room on fire, then open the space doors to let all the fire out before you add a new prisoner. You might need a fire suit (to keep from getting burned) before doing that though.

You could perform station gas chamber executions and be a service to the engineers by just toasting the dead bodies in the furnaces when you are done.

yeah but when we think of that it reminds me of stupid scientist turning the mixing room into an oven due to their sheer stupidity, besides using engineers as fuel for the engine is only fair considering the fact they cannot even set up a singularity 4 out of five times.
At least with the new engineering combustion room, you can let all the fire out using the blast doors, keeping the fire from going out of control.
That is sad.
By the logic that nooses are apparently racist, wouldn't gas chambers be anti-Semitic? You know...holocaust and all? :roll: Kinda hypocritical, ugh.

Besides, the first thing i thought of when I read the idea was Tuco in the end of The Good the bad and the ugly. Hanging people has always been more of a Western cowboy thing to me.

I like this idea though. It's flashy and literally no one will do it until someone remembers that you can; that's when you can really appreciate the beauty of it. Like lighting someone else's cigarette.
btek Wrote:By the logic that nooses are apparently racist, wouldn't gas chambers be anti-Semitic? You know...holocaust and all? :roll: Kinda hypocritical, ugh.

Besides, the first thing i thought of when I read the idea was Tuco in the end of The Good the bad and the ugly. Hanging people has always been more of a Western cowboy thing to me.

I like this idea though. It's flashy and literally no one will do it until someone remembers that you can; that's when you can really appreciate the beauty of it. Like lighting someone else's cigarette.
The concept of space offends me, please change the game's theme to the garden of eden.
Considering the fact that scientists cause gas fires that burn down their workplace almost every round I don't consider gas fires to be "anti-semetic", however people shouting about forming a lynch mob to kill someone while at the same time they could be wearing bed sheets sound a lot like the KKK to me. Besides why need a noose when using your bare hands is very effective?
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Considering the fact that scientists cause gas fires that burn down their workplace almost every round I don't consider gas fires to be "anti-semetic", however people shouting about forming a lynch mob to kill someone while at the same time they could be wearing bed sheets sound a lot like the KKK to me. Besides why need a noose when using your bare hands is very effective?

I'm not talking about random plasma fires. I'm talking about intentionally using gas canisters to create a gas chamber for killing dudes. That has just as much of a negative connotation as hanging someone. But, i digress. Those negative connotations don't really matter at all. I'm just saying at this point, it's more a matter of practicality than offensiveness.

Also, you and meow pow were the one that spun it into the KKK. If someone does that, they'll get banned. A noose isn't useful but it might provide for a change of pace. honk.
The fast that this item was so easily spun into having unintentional racial meaning is already concerning, especially the fact this item would be pretty useless if added unless strangling someone with your own hands is nerfed.
I don't see how anyone could make it unintentionally racist. If you walk around in a sheet trying to hang someone based on their space man race, then it is intentional racism and you will be banned probably. People intending to kill someone with a noose is just someone wanting to have style points on a kill.
He made it clear right away this wasn't a better way to strangle someone, but a DIFFERENT way. once someone is in a noose you will have your hands free and can even leave, as for the 1 min timer on it i would massively reduce that, but whatever, not the point.
Honestly, I like it a lot. We need better ways to publicly exute people. I do see how it can turn into a racist ordeal, but remeber these people can be banned.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:The fast that this item was so easily spun into having unintentional racial meaning is already concerning, especially the fact this item would be pretty useless if added unless strangling someone with your own hands is nerfed.

I think if someone wanted to be racist they would just run around spamming slurs until they get banned. I very much doubt a noose would inspire racism; that is, I don't think someone who normally wouldn't have acted racist would suddenly do so just because he had access to nooses.

But the whole idea is kinda stupid. I can get the idea of strangling somebody hands-free, maybe even being able to walk away after getting them in it, but it's all so pointless when you could just, y'know, toss them out an airlock. It's such an inefficient and redundant murder method, there just isn't a place for it.

Also, where are you going to find a place to hang someone from in a space station? There's not exactly ceiling beams, doorframes, or even lights on the ceiling.
Yeah the racism is not a really big deal but to be honest im not sure how you would even hang someone in a 2D game where they dont show any ceilings
Call it a short lasso to avoid unintentional racism and we are good.
Not a huge fan of nooses, perhaps make it possible to use one of those botany food bags, but require they be tied to someone's head with wire.

Explained by saying the insides are strangely plastic lined.

That way you can suffocate someone, and blind them.
Alright anyone who screams racism at the concept of a noose is stupid. People have been hung by the neck until dead throughout time, and just as many times for non-racist reasons as times for them. Yes, somebody -could- make a stupid, half-assed racist gimmick. That's why you ban those people. If somebody wants to be racist, they don't need a noose to do it, and it won't encourage them further.

The point was brought up before, you can see anything as bigoted or racist if you really try to. I'm not saying racism or bigotry isn't a thing, I'm just saying that it isn't always what's going on. The fact that Donut had a gas chamber wasn't called anti-semitical. You mention that some dumbass could put a sheet on his head and claim to be a KKK member. They can do that already and just be racist minus the noose. The idea obviously isn't meant to encourage racism.

I think it'd be pretty damn cool to be able to hang a corpse somewhere like this, even if I'm not entirely sure about the methods of construction. Buckling the corpses in chairs is cool and all, and making a little display case is neat, but this'd be a nice addition. I also love the idea of more hobo constructions. Learning how to make a flamethrower with basic parts that, while useless, is cool as Hell for instance. They're fun to play with and add spice to the game. I'd support this idea, so long as idiots stop screaming about racism. -That- will encourage unfunny shitheads to be racist with it.

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