04-27-2015, 03:52 PM
Perhaps there should be music for the seperate locations in the debris field? Like it the Bee hive some bee themed music?
Sound Effects & Music
04-27-2015, 03:52 PM
Perhaps there should be music for the seperate locations in the debris field? Like it the Bee hive some bee themed music?
04-27-2015, 04:24 PM
MaRcuSTheDAWG Wrote:Perhaps there should be music for the seperate locations in the debris field? Like it the Bee hive some bee themed music?...I dunno how you'd make bee-themed music aside from just putting in a bunch of buzzing noises in tune to a song, but in any case, if the various station departments get their own ambience, I don't see why off-station places shouldn't too. I mean, some of the telesci areas already do this anyways. Also, the first version of the lobby theme music has been made, and you can find it right over here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/798 ... 0Lobby.mp3 Some things might need some tweaking, like the instrumentation or the overall mix, but I think it fits very well.
04-27-2015, 04:30 PM
I said this on the irc but for the record: it's too retro, bouncy and happy to fit with the theme of ss13, tbh if you can make a nice menacing electronic theme i'd probably go for it.
04-27-2015, 04:42 PM
also crossing over from the irc: a low, quick, sharp and fast song would probably give the game the creepy vibe it really sets, make the notes go lower instead of higher if you know what i mean, i mean you're on a station in space with killer aliens and slashers for christ sake.
04-27-2015, 04:49 PM
Yeah I have to agree it needs a bit darker rather than more upbeat tune that it is. There's nothing wrong with it, but I think it might be better used somewhere else.
04-27-2015, 04:51 PM
thehman03 Wrote:I said this on the irc but for the record: it's too retro, bouncy and happy to fit with the theme of ss13, tbh if you can make a nice menacing electronic theme i'd probably go for it. I think some of the old X-COM games (Terror From the Deep and UFO Defense) did a pretty good job with minimal soundtracks. They really made the Battlescape and Geoscape menacing in that Jaws theme kind of way. I know it wasn't the most popular of the series, but some of the Metroid 2 music might be a good inspiration as well. Some of the areas sounded legitimately creepy, especially when you were fumbling around in some dark alien cave all by yourself. Unrelated, but having some sort of overly-cheerful muzak for the Medbay Waiting Room would be pretty great too.
04-27-2015, 04:55 PM
The first xcom games did menacing tracks super good, take a listen of those.
04-27-2015, 05:34 PM
Hello, I just took a break from my hundreds of hours sunk into GTA 5 to bring forth a suggestion.
If you could make a lobby music that kinda sounds like this, then it would be awesome:
04-27-2015, 05:55 PM
Okay so there are lots of different thoughts here. I was going for the "ironically upbeat" kind of thing with my original song, sort of like the robocop.mp3 thing, but I guess that doesn't work quite as well without the context.
So here's my crack at the "horror-y" theme. I went less into the fast-paced, frantic thing hman was talking about and more towards the ambient "looming horror" feel. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/798 ... 0Lobby.mp3 I'll try out a fast-paced horror version and then something along the lines of what Winklabom brought up and throw those versions out there into the mix, too. There should probably be at least one semi-consensus on what kind of music we want, though.
04-27-2015, 05:58 PM
Yes, that sounds very good.
very good. ![]()
04-27-2015, 06:22 PM
Something that just occurred to me that I should bring up: Each of these themes aren't finished products, no way in hell. They're more meant to serve as proofs of concept for the different sort of musical styles we could have for the lobby theme. After all four variations (the "oh god we're all gonna die" theme and the "prepare to kick some ass" theme), have been made, I'll throw up a poll to see what sort of style the general community wants in order to determine which of the four tracks I'll then dig into. After all, it's probably not worth working really in-depth into four different songs if only one of 'em is going to be used.
04-27-2015, 08:21 PM
...eh. Upon further consideration that a high-paced, panicky, "OH DEAR CHRIST AAAAA" song probably clashes with the intention of having lobby music, and the three styles pretty much capture the spectrum of musical styles pretty well.
So go to this poll thing over here and vote on what sort of music style YOU'D like the lobby to have! Whichever style wins will have its corresponding hideously-WIP doodlefest spruced up and perfected before being shipped off to the admins and included in the game! http://strawpoll.me/4225992 STYLISTIC EXAMPLE PIECES Ambient horror: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7981...0Lobby.mp3 Ironically upbeat tune: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7981...0Lobby.mp3 Badass gear-up music: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7981...0Lobby.mp3 Note that the quality of these three pieces wildly varies, and they're more meant to be examples of the different potential styles than anything else.
04-27-2015, 09:32 PM
I think the lobby music should be closer to an elevator music kinda thing. Something calming, but sterile.
Something that a multi trillion dollar space corporation would play after a team of psychologists and sociologists told them it would boost productivity and increase profits by 0.0005%
04-27-2015, 09:33 PM
If you need some more inspiration, the game already has one track that never gets played, traitor.ogg.
04-27-2015, 09:40 PM
Dabir Wrote:If you need some more inspiration, the game already has one track that never gets played, traitor.ogg.Thanks, I'll give it a listen when I'm fully conscious. As for the elevator music thing, that's another idea I had tossing around, but the main problem with this whole thing is that churning out doodles for every possible style of music we could put into this thing gets exhausting surprisingly fast, and this is basically me stopping myself before I overwork myself into a stupor and say to hell with it in regards to the whole thing. My creative process is rather chaotic and unplanned (as you can tell from the barrage of updates on this whole thing on my part) most of the time, so I'm hoping to get a plan down before I exert myself into a corner. |
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