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My last good trator round I was unsure of what to do, and then i heard people talking about a wraith so i bought a c-saber and a radio jammer and get botany access, I then said i am going to feed you wraith at botany and killed the botanist, then i asked people to come and help and said that there was bodys and people one by one followed me in, and i murdered them and used their bodys as bait for the next one. soon the wraith noticed me and said that we will do terrible deads together. We then proceeded to tag team the crew killing everyone we came across and i tricked people into trusting me by saying HELP WRAITH RUN and then murfdered them when they stoped running. Eventually I called the shuttle after killing a good 20 people(The captain somehow i had to kill twice, I swear he was dead) and then the hos cought me on the shuttle and tryed to kill me but the shuttle left just in time and i won, turned out me and the wraith were the only ones who were antags. I enjoyed being the wraiths pet that round.
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For my first wraith round, I picked a location on the station and stuck there, basically turning that specific area into a deathzone. Unfortunately for the crew, I chose the medbay as my haunting grounds. I emagged a defibrilator and then possessed it, I decayed the nearby medbots, I absorbed and skeleton'd a corpse right off of the medbay operating table (much to their dismay in deadchat), and I made a temporary excursion to chemistry to stick it to the chemnerds that caught me offguard and got me banished ten minutes into the decaying the nearby firebot.
Barring getting tripped up by hidden salt in the chemlab and then getting beaten up early on (because, remember, this was my first wraith round) the whole thing went off without a hitch. I even decayed the emergency shuttle (which I didn't know you could do) at the request of some random passenger. Was hoping to find an antagonist and buddy up with them, but I had plenty of fun without it. Wasn't able to get another revenant before the shuttle, though.
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Occasionally if you can make something look like an accident, or convince everyone else that someone else was responsible, that's always fun.
Most people will assume that a open plasma canister and a welder is traitor, but leave a lit cigerette and a open plasma flame next to the engine and it looks like someone was an idiot and couldn't set the engine up correctly and was smoking on the job.
Throw a pipebomb next to the arc smelter and it looks like someone was smelting an explosive material.
Throw a mousetrapped pipebomb under a bush, push someone inside it and it looks like they just suicide bombed, I once lucked out and had someone clone me cause they thought I was a victim.
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Generally, a motto I like to use as the traitor is, befriend the clown. More often than not, the clown is only interested in being as funny as possible and keeping them around will only make things more hilarious for everyone.
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Frank_Stein Wrote:Generally, a motto I like to use as the traitor is, befriend the clown. More often than not, the clown is only interested in being as funny as possible and keeping them around will only make things more hilarious for everyone.
Another good motto to use as the traitor is, be the Clown.
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Absolute destruction is all I strive for as traitor, whether that entails killing everyone*, or releasing some terrible something-or-other varies on my resources, starting job, and mood.
*Except cool people, like the clown. The clown can live.
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Every time I've been traitor, I've gone opportunistic. Need helmets as a Medbay traitor? Pop up to the HOP, complain that some turbonerd is robusting med and could I get auth to raid security for body armour? Tah, thanks.
Murder is usually the last thing I want to do. Disposing of the body takes time, and my connection is pretty bad so actually robusting someone isn't very good.
Also: Surplus crate. Never not buy a surplus crate.
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BYOND Username: Vunterslaush
Also: Surplus crate. Never not buy a surplus crate.[/quote]
100% correct, never leave home without it. The chaos I caused one round as traitor chaplain by simply leaving a clown car around was astounding.
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I'm terrible at straight-up fights, so I usually lay traps all over the place and pretend to be a Concerned Citizen. Dump CO2 around, weldmag all sorts of airlocks to trap people inside departments, bust windows to space and spacelube the floors a screen-width away, EMP the guardbuddy room. While these things passively depopulate the station, I roam around winking at obvious traitors, I'll throw stolen high-access IDs or guns to them, and I'll chat with station heads and guards and help them out. I usually end up getting deputized - which makes it really funny to listen in on the security radio channel as they're all complaining about my crimes. Eliminating vigilantes is usually more of a priority than eliminating actual guards, I prefer to work alongside them and laugh at their reaction at round-end.
If I'm a traitor scientist, I'll often whip up a bunch of unheated single-tank incendiary timebombs and mail them all around the station on 30-second timers. "WHO THE FUCK MAILED A ROARING FIRE TO SECURITY???" "uhhhh why is genetics burning hot and full of corpses?" In enclosed spaces, they'll make the whole room lethally hot for most of the round and they don't leave any evidence. By the time someone gets suspicious of toxlab, I'll have changed my appearance and probably boobytrapped toxins.
If I've got a weapon out and someone *screams or throws money at me, I'll usually shrug and leave them alone.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
I do one of the three, though I do the first two more then the third. I will either Rampage, Stealth rampage or I will just be a massive jerk in hopes of having the crew form a angry mob so they can chase me all round and beat me to death. All three amuse me greatly it's just sad that it's very hard to get people to form angry mobs lately but I guess I've touch when it comes to being a jerk.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
Quote:]All three amuse me greatly it's just sad that it's very hard to get people to form angry mobs lately but I guess I've lost touch when it comes to being a jerk.
Don't you hate it when you forget to add one word to a post?
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Gleefully capricious, murderous, inexplicably charming asshole.
I usually get the surplus crate, or the old standby of voice changer/syndicate ID/whatever else to do gimmick shit. I usually completely ignore my objectives unless they present themselves to me or look funny to do, in favor of dastardly schemes.
I enjoy starting shit for the hell of it, but I don't pick a serious/deadly fight unless I have my back to the wall or I am absolutely certain I can win it with dirty tricks/preparations. My overconfidence has often led to my death, but it's usually in a funny fashion. It is very, very easy to make me not kill you if I'm on a rampage - stick out and be entertaining. Running and screaming has 50:50 odds on me chasing you down to kill you or deciding it's not worth the effort. Screaming about what I'm doing on the radio guarantees your death because that's just rude. Waving, throwing money at me, offering me tips, appearing utterly unimpressed, pieing me in the face, or calling me rude? That'll probably make me spare you, with maybe a punch or two for good measure. I might kill you anyway if that seems like it'd be funnier though, but I rarely permanently remove someone from the round if they're good sports (unless I'm Macho Manning.)
Always, always, ALWAYS make friends with the clown, or make the clown your amicable nemesis. A friendly clown makes everything much more entertaining, while a clown out to get you keeps you on your god-damned toes. Murdering a clown trying to clown at you is one of the biggest party fouls I can think of. If you are the clown, I wrote the clown traitor advice on the wiki. Additional tip: pick a specific crew member - ideally the first one to give a big reaction to your clowning - and torment them endlessly. Murder anyone who attempts to take your clown getup.
Mix up denying everything with admitting everything. Casually discussing crimes with security can set up great situations, as Weavel said, while denying the AI's wild and unfounded accusations of shapeshifting and devouring humans as you shapeshift and drain someone's DNA in the middle of the hallway is so balls-out insane that you'll sometimes get respect points from the crew and be left alone/given lax punishment. Note that sometimes the No Fun Allowed vigilantes will kill you anyway and you probably deserve it.
Wraith: EMAG EVERYTHING. Turn the entire station into an out of control vehicle of chaos. Promise to leave robotics/genetics alone if they crank out an endless supply of securitrons and firebots for you - and since wraiths can make Medbay an absolute hellscape, you'd be surprised at how often this blackmail works. Only take revenants and start massacring people after the crew has made a solid effort to kill you - if they never do, stick to just infuriating them and occasionally picking someone off here or there.
In general, try to be the antagonistic force from an episode of Sealab at all times. Set up situations in which the crew can do stupid/hilarious shit.
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As the wraith, whisper to the clown and tell him to make somebody a balloon animal.
When he does so, possess/animate the balloon animal.
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I like overcomplicated plans that take way too long to setup. Don't particularly care how effective they actually are, if it works on even one person I'm happy. Usually involving setting up a deathtrap somewhere or looting the debris field for angry critters and bringing them to the station.
Failing that, bombing stuff. Also, don't particularly care for the whole skulking around/eating people thing so if I get ling/vamp I usually just wreak havoc with stuff lying around and eat monkies to keep up my DNA/blood level, usually just enough to unlock the fun vamp powers/go abomination.
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Changeling tip: laying on the floor in a crowded place, stinging people who step on me, never ever stops being funny.