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Traitor Chaplain Items
LinkDaWolf Wrote:the lichdom thing sounds super cool, but it should respawn somewhere randomly if it is thrown off the z-level (or it should function as if destroyed)

otherwise it'd be really easy to "hide" it
Well, the easiest thing to do there is make the phylactery take damage as if it were a human, so you have to hide it somewhere with an atmosphere in a comfortable temperature range. That'd prevent someone from flying off to one of the asteroids and just tucking it away there without a lot of effort.
LinkDaWolf Wrote:the lichdom thing sounds super cool, but it should respawn somewhere randomly if it is thrown off the z-level (or it should function as if destroyed)

otherwise it'd be really easy to "hide" it
Well, the easiest thing to do there is make the phylactery take damage as if it were a human, so you have to hide it somewhere with an atmosphere in a comfortable temperature range. That'd prevent someone from flying off to one of the asteroids and just tucking it away there without a lot of effort.

That and perhaps force people to always be on the same z-level as their phylactery or else it gets destroyed.
I'm going to point out that there are a MASSIVE amount of bugs that exist that allow one to bug an item into a container item (cryo, cloner, pods, etc.) and several allowing one to potentially bug an item into the debug z level, so this could be a serious issue, although its likely an admin concern over a mechanics concern.
This kit contains everything you need to turn yourself into an undying[1] monstrosity and no one will be any the wiser[2]. All you have to do is take the Automatic Phylacterizer, scan the item you wish it to become, and then press it against your chest to rip your heart and soul out to complete the process. Be sure to hide your unassuming[3] phyalctery somewhere safe! As a lich death will be more like a quick nap[4] so when a staff assistant comes along and toolboxes you all you have to do is wait a moment for the dread necromantic energies to reinvigorate your body so you can peel your battered corpse off the ground and get your revenge! Loose an arm or a leg? Just slap that sucker back on and it'll be good as new[5]! Just make sure you don't get thrown in the gibber[6]!

[1] If your phylactery is destroyed so are you.
[2] Medical crew may notice the lack of heart if you are scanned.
[3] The phylacteries are known to produce strange noises, such as the sound of a beating heart, farting, or the screams of the damned.
[4] Length of time spent unconscious after being killed before being revived grows longer with each revival. Death by fire and being drained by changelings have been known to exacerbate this problem.
[5] Clinical trials have shown that once killed, the body will decay as normal despite the necromantic energies animating it. A diet of embalming fluid is recommended to maintain a life-like appearance.
[6] While the enzymatic reclaimer, gibber, and crusher will not truly kill you so long as your phylactery is intact they will reduce you to a pile of animated undead gore rendering you largely harmless.

Syndicate Bible
This edition of the Bible is loaded with a pneumatically driven blade in its spine. The blade is made from materials infused with powerful anesthesia so the victim won't feel a thing when it pierces their flesh. The internal air tank has enough for two uses but may be refilled using canisters found around the station.

Clown could steal the phylactery and give it a name.

Steve the monkey wrench.

Chaplain's heart is the Clown's new pet.
I just thought of something similar to the phylactery, but it's used offensively instead:

The witch's voodoo doll: You apply it on a victim for 5 seconds (so you need to have them stunned!) and the doll essentially transfers 25% to 30% of all the brute damage dealt to the doll over to the victim!

However, it only works if:
1)The victim and doll are within 10 to 15 tiles from each other.
2)The traitor chaplain always has it on his person.
3)The victim isn't in crit.

The curse should break if the victim gets a hold of the doll and/or the victim enters crit somehow.

Mostly a gimmick item, but I honestly believe it could be very useful/funny in the hands of a creative traitor chaplain.
RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote:[6] While the enzymatic reclaimer, gibber, and crusher will not truly kill you so long as your phylactery is intact they will reduce you to a pile of animated undead gore rendering you largely harmless.
considering how common gibbing is as a method for dealing with traitors and how easy it is to do and the fact that presumably this is gonna be a 10 crystal deal, you wouldn't want this to be so easy to counter. I'd say add to this that when you are gibbed, reclaimed, crushed, or otherwise reduced to a red smear on the ground you will eventually reform from whatever the largest chunk left of you was, wherever it may be.

For example, if you were left as a pile of meat on the ground from a trip through the gibber, you will reform from a chunk of that meat after a given(quite long, several minutes at least) period of time. If the meat is just sitting there you'll pop back into existence from it, if somebody ate it you'll explode out of their stomach, if you were run through the reclaimer you'll either pop out of the reclaimer or out of someone who was cloned afterwards, etc.
I was thinking you'd become a meat cube if you went through the gibber.
Dauntasa Wrote:
RAWK_LAWBSTAR Wrote:[6] While the enzymatic reclaimer, gibber, and crusher will not truly kill you so long as your phylactery is intact they will reduce you to a pile of animated undead gore rendering you largely harmless.
considering how common gibbing is as a method for dealing with traitors and how easy it is to do and the fact that presumably this is gonna be a 10 crystal deal, you wouldn't want this to be so easy to counter. I'd say add to this that when you are gibbed, reclaimed, crushed, or otherwise reduced to a red smear on the ground you will eventually reform from whatever the largest chunk left of you was, wherever it may be.

For example, if you were left as a pile of meat on the ground from a trip through the gibber, you will reform from a chunk of that meat after a given(quite long, several minutes at least) period of time. If the meat is just sitting there you'll pop back into existence from it, if somebody ate it you'll explode out of their stomach, if you were run through the reclaimer you'll either pop out of the reclaimer or out of someone who was cloned afterwards, etc.
The issue with that is that now you can only be dealt with by either being constantly gibbed, or by being perma-brigged, and neither of those are fun for anyone.
Wraiths are being worked on still, right? How about a Lich just gets turned into a Wraith if the body is completely destroyed?
DyssalC Wrote:The issue with that is that now you can only be dealt with by either being constantly gibbed, or by being perma-brigged, and neither of those are fun for anyone.
nah like he said you can destroy whatever item they made into their phylactery and that'll put paid to them

I guess to prevent things from being real dumb with that you'd have to make it so that it only works as long it stays on the same z-level as you, so you can't just pitch it into space and be invincible
Back a few months a go I posted this suggestion on Wonks traitor suggestion thread. I just figured I should post it here maybe you guys could look it over.
(Note it was just a quickly written out idea. Not all of its features need to be added. However the demon aspect of it would be fun)

Silvercloud29 Wrote:Chaplin item idea:

The Satanic bible
A reskinned bible with a reversed cross (cross facing down) In a fiery red binding. This evil book lets you praise your evil lord by smacking people in the face and setting them on fire instantly on contact. It Also has a small chance to blow off a random limb of the person its used on. If a human limb is put into the book has chance of summoning a demonic creature (That may or may not attack the holder of the book) Grant a protection aura against random damage (Not 100% immunity but it helps a lot during a rampage)(Blue aura means you can breath when there is no oxygen for a short period of time. Green means you're resistant to toxin damage, etc) Also farting on it gibs the person and makes a demonic monster spawn from the remains. Possibly comes with a special cool looking robe that may or may not be needed to use the book
Satanist Robes:

Chaplain (✓) Convert to Satanism! In return for 10 TC, the chaplain received a very evil-looking robe and a dagger for sacrificing people. Even better, wearing said robe allowed them to cast two powerful wizard spells at will: knock (basically an EMAG/all-access ID hybrid that can't be lost) and blind to evade any foolish pursuers. Was available for much of 2011 on Donut Station 2 before being superseded by His Grace. These days, an improved variant of the dagger can be found in surplus crates and the bloody hands of spies. The robes are also still around - an extremely cool outfit.

Why was this ever replaced? Just bring this back and maybe combined it with some of the ideas in this thread.
Why is every single Chaplain traitor item suggestion discussion filled with nothing but rampage items and super murder items? I don't really get a "kill everyone in a buffed up unstoppable berserker rampage and eat their hearts" kind of feel from chaplain; he seems more of the type to work divine miracles like transforming water into (incredibly potent) wine.
I think some sort of pacifism effect would be cool. A constant (quite powerful, around the level of taking meth and omnizine) healing + stun recovery effect which decreases permanently when you perform offensive actions (other than stunning and disarming). This would allow the chaplain to go around mugging/annoying people semi-harmlessly without actually being able to just murder a bunch of people.
Indirect harm like dragging people into space and planting bombs would also be allowed, which seems fair. Its a lot harder to rampage when your only methods of killing are to drag someone into space or use a bomb on them.
Paineframe Wrote:Why is every single Chaplain traitor item suggestion discussion filled with nothing but rampage items and super murder items? I don't really get a "kill everyone in a buffed up unstoppable berserker rampage and eat their hearts" kind of feel from chaplain; he seems more of the type to work divine miracles like transforming water into (incredibly potent) wine.

Well, it really is because most of the other job specific traitor items are rampage oriented. The only exceptions I can think of are the syndie device scanner, the jug of Moonshine, and the mustache grenades.

Now, about your wine miracle: how potent would it be ? What would be the purpose and how could you use it to help you in your traitoring?

It sounds really interesting, especially if you could make people incredibly drunk by turning part of their body water into wine or something.

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