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[MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Captain should be helping security anyways. Sounds good to me.

Maybe with a slight gear nerf
I like this change. Besides, cap doesn't have mindhack protection, they can still be mindhacked if you really want evil cap stuff to happen. I've seen several cap antag rampages lately where the person afterwards said it was boring because you start out with such an advantage, and it's lame to fight against as sec too from what I've seen. Other antags have to actually get their gear and plan around it while cap literally just spawns in and can often win against sec right from the jump
I’m okay with this, the last time it was proposed I felt differently but it makes sense to me now. Antag captains just aren’t very interesting to me, it removes a lot of what makes being an antag fun. Namely the stealth and breaking and entering aspects. I think captains will still retain their corrupted/incompetent image, people will always play silly goofy captains.
Antag captain is really weird to me. Same with detective to be honest, but antag captain feels far more agregious, they allready have everything in their favor to begin with, it'd be nice to have ONE member of command who normally isn't evil at spawn at least.
Unsure. This mostly feels like a low sec population issue, I have seen arcfiend captains which is quite lethal when sec is lacking but also most antag captains faceplant because being an antag is hard.

Possibly hard mode traitor only instead. They come with weapons and all access so an uplink or powers is not really required.
I'm not sure why Captain can roll antagonist anyway, sounds good to me. 12TC+All Radios+AA+EGun+Armour is something you'd spend a good chunk of your round getting on any other traitor round.
(12-19-2023, 01:10 AM)Katzen Wrote: Unsure. This mostly feels like a low sec population issue, I have seen arcfiend captains which is quite lethal when sec is lacking but also most antag captains faceplant because being an antag is hard.

Possibly hard mode traitor only instead. They come with weapons and all access so an uplink or powers is not really required.

Captain being major antag locked but eligible for sleeper agent event sounds like a good idea.
(12-19-2023, 06:43 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Captain being major antag locked but eligible for sleeper agent event sounds like a good idea.

Sleeper agent should be fine anyway. It's more interresting to be aware of the captain as sleeper agents can spawn in.
I wouldn't mind cap rolling only hard mode or spief. If that doesn't work, maybe only give em 6 tc so they can run some shenanigans with some of the lesser used items
Mostly disagree with removing Captain's ability to roll antagonist. There should be a clear distinction between Captain and Security, and Captain being able to roll antagonist is one of the major factors that adds to that distinction. The PR seems to mostly be against how powerful the Captains kit is in general, so I could see a slight nerf to the Captains kit being more effective at accomplishing the goal without completely changing how the role works (and spawnkilling is against the rules anyway).
I think the problem is with Captain just being overkitted in their gear. The e-gun is extremely strong and outside of HOS they are the only ones that start off with it, I'd say try replacing the e-gun with a sabre first and see how that affects Captain's overall gameplay.
Not a fan of the idea of replacing the e-gun with an option that is lethals and melee only, the cap's e-gun does have a place in the nonantag caps kit for self defence and protecting the items and power they have from being antag looted. Feels like that would just make them way too vulnerable by default to be worth it being a potential nerf to antag captains to me
(12-22-2023, 12:56 PM)JOELED Wrote: Not a fan of the idea of replacing the e-gun with an option that is lethals and melee only, the cap's e-gun does have a place in the nonantag caps kit for self defence and protecting the items and power they have from being antag looted.  Feels like that would just make them way too vulnerable by default to be worth it being a potential nerf to antag captains to me

Or we can make a "stun saber" That runs out of energy fast. Or change it to lethal saber. But never have both.
Good change imo. It's trivially easy to rampage as a captain, plus captains should be a bit more reliable than they currently are
Yea the reworking of the sabre is an interesting idea but I'd rather see how this proposed change shakes out before immediately jumping to more complex ideas that don't address the overall problem being suggested here

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