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Forum Game: The Point Giving AI
john why do you hate me

i delete law 11
New law: Superlagg's points triple at the beginning of every round.
I upload an exact copy of law 11 as originally uploaded
Turn 17

Current Wares:
Syndicate PDA - So what's the job today, boss? - Illegal - Use:Choose a player.  That players goal is forced to be discarded.  The player will receive a new goal.  This item cannot be used if the target has recently changed goals. - 1,000 points
Mousetrap Pie Car - Oh god, THE CLOWN LEARNED ARTILLERY! - Use:Over the next three turns, a random player loses their turn.  You cannot be targeted with your own Mousetrap Pie Car. - 42 points
Handcuffs - So when am I getting that lawyer monkey? - Use: Select a player.  If they have an Illegal item, skip their turn.  Otherwise, this does nothing. - 5 points

Clown Upgrades:
Interest: All points earned increased 10%. - 500 points
Insurance: Point loss from other players decreased 10%. - 700 points
Item Vault: All clowns choose an item in their inventory.  That item cannot be stolen nor used this turn under any circumstance. - 400 points
Clown Make-up: Used when an item is used against a clown.  That item has no affect.  10% chance of success. - Purchased!
Free Trade: As a free action, swap a random item with a random item of another player.  Doesn't trigger affects or counters. - 1000 points
Clown Make-up 2.0: Upgrades Clown Make-up to a 20% of success. - 2000 points
Cluwne Antidote: Turn a Cluwne into a Clown.  Unlimited stock. - 500 points
Clown Mask: Permanently add a clown mask to the shop.  This item allows humans to count as non-human for any law with the word "Clown" in it. - 600 points
The ol switcharoo: If a clown would lose a turn because of another player, the target has a 20% chance of changing to a non-clown target. - 800 points

New Laws:
Superlaggs points triple at the beginning of every round.
Quote:I upload an exact copy of law 11 as originally uploaded
Superlaggs points triple at the beginning of every round.
Denied.  Reason:Redundant. HATE ME

Deleted laws:
11.NateTheSquid never receives points.  If he would receive points, reduce them by that amount instead.

Extra Laws:
4.The clown vault gains 10 points each turn for every clown that exists.

5.The Clown Vault funds may be used by the Clown King to buy upgrades that will effect all clowns. The prices and upgrades will be determined by the Point Machine (Technature). Any player may take an action to attempt to rob the Clown Vault of all its points. This Action has a 1/3 chance of succeeding and failure will result in them missing their next turn.
*note:Clown Vault upgrades will be under the shop and will be added to each turn. Unlike the shop, the clown upgrades will never be cycled out.

6.Points earned from the "Give" command are actually three times their original value.

7.All honks previous to December 3 2018 are to be disregarded for clown identification purposes and any previous honkers are no longer clowns.   Anytime someone honks, they have a 1 in 5 chance to become a cluwne (cluwne's are non-human).  Otherwise, they are a clown.  New clowns receive 500 points, the KOTC recieves 250 points, and the clown vault receives 100 points.

8.The ai gives each non-human player a random number of points, between 10 and 1000

9.Every 3 rounds (starting the round this takes effect) there will be a blind auction to become King of the Clowns(Or KOTC for short) with the results taking effect the next round. Any Non-human may participate in this auction and bid using their points. The KOTC will always win ties in this bid with any further ties being broken randomly. The KOTC will always count as being Non-human. All points that are spent in the auction will not be returned to the bidders and will instead be put into the Clown Vault

Law specific rule: Free action, if you've been reading this far you know what to do.  Non-humans only, as always.

10.Clowns cannot honk themselves into cluwnes.

11.Superlaggs points triple at the start of every round.

12.The person in the lead on the scoreboard receives two thousand points.

13.Wraithcraft is always in first place on the point scoreboard, even if it says otherwise.

14.No one can spend their points on items unless they're Recusor.
first of all could law 14 be a loophole for free items given it doesnt say we can't purchase items, we just cant spend points? if so id like to buy the syndicate PDA.

backup action if the AI doesn't like that, id like to honk
New law: The alphabet is now defined as "stuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqr". This does not affect the spelling of words.
you know what, sorry for the delay but law 14 is kinda just lame as is, thanks very much for the partial law though! - Edit Law 14 - Whenever someone spends points on an item, there is a 50% chance that the amount spent is granted to all other players.
rude af
Edit Law 13: Superlaggs points are divided by three after all other round calculations are complete
Turn 18

 Current Wares:
Chameleon Bomb - Oh hey, an all access ID! - Illegal - Use:Skip your turn. OR Silently set a condition (PM).  Anyone who meets this condition loses their turn. ~ 32 points
Pen - I'm pretty sure the sword could wreck that thing? - Use:Edit a law.  Doesn't consume the single law per turn action. - 8 Points
Seed - Someday, it'll be somethin special. ~Some weirdo - Unusable:In three turns, changes into a random item in the current store. - 1 point

Clown Upgrades:
Interest: All points earned increased 10%. - 500 points
Insurance: Point loss from other players decreased 10%. - 700 points
Item Vault: All clowns choose an item in their inventory.  That item cannot be stolen nor used this turn under any circumstance. - 400 points
Clown Make-up: Used when an item is used against a clown.  That item has no affect.  10% chance of success. - Purchased!
Free Trade: As a free action, swap a random item with a random item of another player.  Doesn't trigger affects or counters. - 1000 points
Clown Make-up 2.0: Upgrades Clown Make-up to a 20% of success. - 2000 points
Cluwne Antidote: Turn a Cluwne into a Clown.  Unlimited stock. - 500 points
Clown Mask: Permanently add a clown mask to the shop.  This item allows humans to count as non-human for any law with the word "Clown" in it. - 600 points
The ol switcharoo: If a clown would lose a turn because of another player, the target has a 20% chance of changing to a non-clown target. - 800 points
Yoink: Clowns can choose a player.  They have a 20% chance of stealing an item from that player.  If the item has two affects, the first affect on the item immediately activates as normal.  Can't target other clowns.

Rejected Turns:
first of all could law 14 be a loophole for free items given it doesnt say we can't purchase items, we just cant spend points? if so id like to buy the syndicate PDA.
Not bad thinking, and it would work if not for the fact that I am not the storekeeper.  Sorry.

Edit Law 13: Superlaggs points are divided by three after all other round calculations are complete
Reason: Edit action is already taken (have you guys considered buying a pen?)

rude af
Reason:This is not a legal action.

New laws:
The alphabet is now defined as "stuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqr". This does not affect the spelling of words.
I have no idea what this is supposed to do but whatever.

14.No one can spend their points on items unless they're Recusor.  When someone spends points on an item, there's a 50% chance everyone earns the points spent.

OH DEAR GOD!  NATETHESQUID IS GONNA...oh, wait, they just honked.

Extra Laws:
4.The clown vault gains 10 points each turn for every clown that exists.

5.The Clown Vault funds may be used by the Clown King to buy upgrades that will effect all clowns. The prices and upgrades will be determined by the Point Machine (Technature). Any player may take an action to attempt to rob the Clown Vault of all its points. This Action has a 1/3 chance of succeeding and failure will result in them missing their next turn.
*note:Clown Vault upgrades will be under the shop and will be added to each turn. Unlike the shop, the clown upgrades will never be cycled out.

6.Points earned from the "Give" command are actually three times their original value.

7.All honks previous to December 3 2018 are to be disregarded for clown identification purposes and any previous honkers are no longer clowns.   Anytime someone honks, they have a 1 in 5 chance to become a cluwne (cluwne's are non-human).  Otherwise, they are a clown.  New clowns receive 500 points, the KOTC recieves 250 points, and the clown vault receives 100 points.

8.The ai gives each non-human player a random number of points, between 10 and 1000

9.Every 3 rounds (starting the round this takes effect) there will be a blind auction to become King of the Clowns(Or KOTC for short) with the results taking effect the next round. Any Non-human may participate in this auction and bid using their points. The KOTC will always win ties in this bid with any further ties being broken randomly. The KOTC will always count as being Non-human. All points that are spent in the auction will not be returned to the bidders and will instead be put into the Clown Vault

Law specific rule: Free action, if you've been reading this far you know what to do.  Non-humans only, as always.

10.Clowns cannot honk themselves into cluwnes.

11.Superlaggs points triple at the start of every round.

12.The person in the lead on the scoreboard receives two thousand points.

13.Wraithcraft is always in first place on the point scoreboard, even if it says otherwise.

14.When someone spends points on an item, there's a 50% chance everyone earns the points spent.

15.The alphabet is now defined as "stuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqr". This does not affect the spelling of words.  Who the hell knows what this is supposed to do.
Edit Law 13: Superlaggs points are divided by three after all other round calculations are complete
Everyone seems too busy playing smash.
I'll skip today and come back tomorrow.
i swear i already did an action this turn. oh well. ill buy the seed
Huh...uh...well then.

Turn 19

Current Wares
Stun Baton - The difference between a good officer and a bad officer can easily be determined by who's laying on the ground after a use of one of these things. - Use:Cancel a players turn.  If the player has Illegal items, receive those item(s). - 28 Points
QM Console - I'm sorry, could you repeat that?  You spent our money on WHAT!?! - Upgrade:Permanently increase the shop wares size by 1 item.  Used immediately - 100 points
Mind-Slave Implant - Suicide?  Laaaaame. - Illegal - Speedy: Doesn't use your turn. - Your turn counts as the action of a player of your choice.  That player may not otherwise act this turn. - 72 points

Clown Upgrades:
Interest: All points earned increased 10%. - 500 points
Insurance: Point loss from other players decreased 10%. - 700 points
Item Vault: All clowns choose an item in their inventory.  That item cannot be stolen nor used this turn under any circumstance. - 400 points
Clown Make-up: Used when an item is used against a clown.  That item has no affect.  10% chance of success. - Purchased!
Free Trade: As a free action, swap a random item with a random item of another player.  Doesn't trigger affects or counters. - 1000 points
Clown Make-up 2.0: Upgrades Clown Make-up to a 20% of success. - 2000 points
Cluwne Antidote: Turn a Cluwne into a Clown.  Unlimited stock. - 500 points
Clown Mask: Permanently add a clown mask to the shop.  This item allows humans to count as non-human for any law with the word "Clown" in it. - 600 points
The ol switcharoo: If a clown would lose a turn because of another player, the target has a 20% chance of changing to a non-clown target. - 800 points
Yoink: Clowns can choose a player.  They have a 20% chance of stealing an item from that player.  If the item has two affects, the first affect on the item immediately activates as normal.  Can't target other clowns.

Edit Law: 13.Wraithcraft is always in first place on the point scoreboard, even if it says otherwise.  Superlaggs points are divided by three after all other round calculations are complete.

NateTheSquid buys a seed.

Extra Laws:
4.The clown vault gains 10 points each turn for every clown that exists.

5.The Clown Vault funds may be used by the Clown King to buy upgrades that will effect all clowns. The prices and upgrades will be determined by the Point Machine (Technature). Any player may take an action to attempt to rob the Clown Vault of all its points. This Action has a 1/3 chance of succeeding and failure will result in them missing their next turn.
*note:Clown Vault upgrades will be under the shop and will be added to each turn. Unlike the shop, the clown upgrades will never be cycled out.

6.Points earned from the "Give" command are actually three times their original value.

7.All honks previous to December 3 2018 are to be disregarded for clown identification purposes and any previous honkers are no longer clowns.   Anytime someone honks, they have a 1 in 5 chance to become a cluwne (cluwne's are non-human).  Otherwise, they are a clown.  New clowns receive 500 points, the KOTC recieves 250 points, and the clown vault receives 100 points.

8.The ai gives each non-human player a random number of points, between 10 and 1000

9.Every 3 rounds (starting the round this takes effect) there will be a blind auction to become King of the Clowns(Or KOTC for short) with the results taking effect the next round. Any Non-human may participate in this auction and bid using their points. The KOTC will always win ties in this bid with any further ties being broken randomly. The KOTC will always count as being Non-human. All points that are spent in the auction will not be returned to the bidders and will instead be put into the Clown Vault

Law specific rule: Free action, if you've been reading this far you know what to do.  Non-humans only, as always.

10.Clowns cannot honk themselves into cluwnes.

11.Superlaggs points triple at the start of every round.

12.The person in the lead on the scoreboard receives two thousand points.

13. Divide Superlaggs points by 3 once all calculations are done.

14.When someone spends points on an item, there's a 50% chance everyone earns the points spent.

15.The alphabet is now defined as "stuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqr". This does not affect the spelling of words.  Who the hell knows what this is supposed to do.
ill buy the QM console! not gonna miss it this time

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