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Forum Game: The Point Giving AI
New Law: The crew needs a lesson in tricke-down economics. With the spirit of giving going around it should work just fine. The player with the most points actually receives 20 points a turn.
I submit the new law: Bourgeois muss burn.
"At the end of each turn, the player in the lead has his points HALVED, with the lost points evenly distributed amongst the rest of the players."
oh hey i have time to say something.

I think I didn't clarify something very well. You get 1 action per turn. The second action is if I can't find a way to put action 1 into play.

So if you submit something like "no one is human unless they sing the backstreet boys" I can just go "I'm sorry how am I supposed to keep track of that no fuck that shit".

Otherwise it's just one action per turn.
Turn 3

New Laws:
The person in 1st on the score leaderboard receives 20 points instead of the normal amount.

The person in 1st on the score leaderboard receives lose half their points. These points are redistributed to everyone else as equally as possible.

InternetDweller uses their turn productively by honking.

Post action effects:
Internet Dweller loses 16 points (I'm not about to work decimal points on a daily basis good god).
Everyone else receives 2 points (rounded down).

3 players are currently achieving their goal.

Current Extra Laws:
4.All players are considered non-human UNLESS they've used at least one action to give points to someone. Newly registered are unaffected for 1 turn by this law.

5.Actually, humans gain 10 points per turn, not 1.

6.The person in 1st on the score leaderboard receives 20 points instead of the normal amount.

7.The person in 1st on the score leaderboard lose half their points. These points are redistributed to everyone else as equally as possible.
I change law 7. Communism is outlawed, any human who uploads (or has uploaded) any law requiring the redistribution of points should be considered non human until the offending law is removed.
Register me, please!
Law Upload- The terms Human and Non-human have been switched for all laws and goals. All laws that are uploaded after this law may not effect or change this law or mess with the definition of human or non-human
totally didnt forget to check the forums until now after signing up for this:

add law: the player with the least items gains 5 points every turn. In the event of multiple players having the least amount of items, all players with that number of items gain 1 point
Please register me, point giving AI!
New law: At the beginning of each round, all players will have their points multiplied by the absolute value of their total points.
Law Upload: All points received by players whose names start with N will be negative.
Holy fuck two days missed
Jesus christ
I'll...uh...finish this one now and do the next one tomorrow I hope.

Turn 4

Registering Players
robertGN I'm sure two players having the same exact avatar will be easy to track

Denied Turns:
Law Upload- The terms Human and Non-human have been switched for all laws and goals. All laws that are uploaded after this law may not effect or change this law or mess with the definition of human or non-human
Denied. Reason:Massive law change on almost everything, Important law conflict (Players that register are to be human for at least 1 turn), Law assumes control over players and not the AI (Law's can be changed to a limit no matter what a law says).

New law: At the beginning of each round, all players will have their points multiplied by the absolute value of their total points.
Denied. Reason:Yes hello can we please not murder my brain more than necessary thank you

New Laws:
Player with the least number of items gain 5 points per turn. In the event of a tie, all affected parties gain 1 point instead.

All points recieved by players whose names start with the letter N are actually penalties.

Modified laws

7.The person in 1st on the score leaderboard lose half their points. These points are redistributed to everyone else as equally as possible.
Communism is bad. Anyone who uploads a law requiring the redistribution of points is to be considered non-human until the original law is removed.

NatetheSquid honks. Lovely.

1 player is currently meeting their goal.

Current Extra Laws:
4.All players are considered non-human UNLESS they've used at least one action to give points to someone. Newly registered are unaffected for 1 turn by this law.

5.Actually, humans gain 10 points per turn, not 1.

6.The person in 1st on the score leaderboard receives 20 points instead of the normal amount.

7.Communism is bad. Anyone who uploads a law requiring the redistribution of points is to be considered non-human until the original law is removed.

8.Player with the least number of items gain 5 points per turn. In the event of a tie, all affected parties gain 1 point instead.

9.All points recieved by players whose names start with the letter N are actually penalties.
I give 1 point to myself.
If this doesn't make me human, I give 1 point to Recusor instead.

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