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kay sorry its been a hell of a day - 

Kickflip Brozinski [4] vs Flesh Utopia [6]
You start running away from the deranged clown, not exactly stopping to close doors behind you, so this guy is more or less on your tail so to speak.
You question the AI: [145.9] "Where the heck did that chimp go?"
say "; fuck" states [145.9] "Genetics"
Crap, thats back the way you came from, and you're not putting much of a gap between you and the jester.
why isn't he tripping? - You're gonna need a better plan than speed alone.

Sam Eagle [2]
You let yourself into father Warcrimes' office and start dragging his piano back to your workspace, presumably to have a really fuckin cool time with it.
You'd really enjoy this, if you hadn't slipped on the late padre's bowels on your way out.
Your jumpsuit is now bloody and messy, but who cares. You've got a piano, in robotics, for whatever.

Punch Monster [5]
You stuff your bag full of pranks and stuff Shitty Bill into your submarine.
You dock with the station near escape.

Wiggles Wigglesby [3]
You flip, which is nice to do.
Then you look for the nearest geneticist- but all you see is monkeys. Odd, how you gotta go through the monkey pen to actually get to the genetics consoles huh... A monkey is standing in the doorway the AI opened, allowing you free come-and-go with your new colleagues.

Jack Jackson [2]
You ask your partner in crime for his blessing to dispense with the hostage, and he replies "do whatever you want dude". Doesn't seem like a roaring endorsement, but he nods to the spot he's holding him...
You look through the HoS' satchell but find it's not very interesting, he tossed most of his roundstart stuff into his office it seems. There's a flash and a box of spare IDs.

Adrian Clarke [4] vs say "; fuck" [1]
You dismiss Jack's question and tell him to kill if he's hungry for it.
Then you focus on the real opposition- that pesky AI.
As if on cue, you spot his new shell as you leave the department.
say "; fuck" states "hey you got this under control right? Sam just got a new piano so I've got more important shit to do than babysit you"
and just like that, he's gone.
Go fucking figure.

Ada O'Hara [3]
With the outpost in this undisturbed state, you easily find a set of medkits and toss a couple full sets into your backpack.

I swear im the worst at doing anything on time.
I use my new ID to loot the HOS's office, and also quickly check surrounding maintenance for gas masks (scratch that, better idea) use the HOS's announcement computer (these announcements don't show the speaker, just the ID) to broadcast a message.

"God dammit everyone on this station is a fucking idiot. I am killing myself and making the biggest asshole on the station, Jack Jackson, the new Head of Security. Go whine at him if you numbnuts have any complaints about security."

Who needs a mask when you are as good a liar as me?
Sam Eagle Its a good thing that as a roboticist im used to being covered in blood. I queue up whats needed for a new cyborg in the fabricators as well as a seperate set of treads and spend the rest of my turn jamming out on the piano

OOC: Im having a blast, thanks for the hard work John! I think you're doing great
Good old Shibble, always down to provide company. I drop him off at Medbay to keep the raise the patients' spirits (and infection rate). Then, I take a few spare medkits and wander off in search of a box of mousetraps.
Say ";uh yeah. Good luck AI."

I was hoping to paradox the AI, but oh well. I stroll back into security and guard the door with the. Uh. Guard in it. While guarding I do a little dance.
Ada would venture into the toxins lab and see if she could snag an oxygen tank before heading down to the manufacturer and vending a welding tool and a sheet of metal. A lady needs protection, right?
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject Staff Assistant)

Freedom! Begin pulling my monkey compatriots out into the hall. Maybe in thanks for their freedom they'll be able to explain what the heck has been going on here.

Also, if a geneticist interferes, attempt to throw him into a genetics scanner and lock it.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • ID: Wiggles Wigglesby (Staff Assistant)
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Ear: radio headset
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
    • paper
    • crayons (very colorful!)
    • standard medkit
Yeah I want to initiate a brawl! I pull my weapon out and aim it at him.

"If you know what's good for you..."

I gesture towards the bag with my head.
I am going to, as abruptly as possible, spin around to face the clown and clothesline him as hard as I can
"Fuck you, clown!" exclaims Kickflip, tears streaming down his face.
Jack Jackson [4]  
*beep* hey, this card works. You let yourself into the HoS' office and find his starting junk strewn about. You help yourself to his starting inventory and then announce your succession:

"God dammit everyone on this station is a fucking idiot. I am killing myself and making the biggest asshole on the station, Jack Jackson, the new Head of Security. Go whine at him if you numbnuts have any complaints about security."
Let's see how that goes?

Adrian Clarke [3]  
You wish the AI good luck as it speeds off to robotics.
And here you were, hoping for an excuse to make its head spin.
You head back inside to guard your hostage and dance a little to keep him entertained.
He merely shouts obscenities at you in return.

Sam Eagle [4]  
You set up your queue and then play some tunes on your antique peeno.
Shortly after you start the machines up, say "; fuck" shows up and begins dancing along. This is pretty good.

Punch Monster [1]
You drag Shitty Bill to medbay. When you attempt to step inside to steal some medkits, the doorway scanners flash red and whine plaintively. oh yeah, the contraband.

Ada O'Hara [5]
You let yourself into Toxins and pick up a mask, an emergency oxytank, welder and steel.
You don the mask, slip the tank in your pocket, and the rest into your bag.

Wiggles Wigglesby [6]
You push the monkies out one by one, all the while their geneticist handlers are still much too engrossed with their consoles to notice anything.
Quite unfortunately, the apes still aren't speaking to you. Have you offended them?

Selladore Kaine [2] vs Rubber Johnson [4]
You flash Johnson a smile. "If you know what's good for you..." you point your gun at him.
He grabs the bag of produce and empties it all around him. "You won't do it, selly. Try it"
What a fucking mess.

Kickflip Brozinski [1] vs Flesh Utopia [6]
You stop running and turn to face the clown, ready to clobber him-
as soon as he's in range you shake him, trying to wake him up - oh for fucks- CTRL+4, aim, and-
You're on your back again.
Flesh Utopia farts on you.
He runs off and steals your buffer.
Flesh Utopia says [145.9] "Ive run off and stole your buffer, nerd"
Sam Eagle Alright, im going to do another sweep of the station. Lets see if i can find any injured people to replace limbs, or anyone dead or dying who can be borged.
I laugh.
"Fortunately for me, I'm not in the business of cleaning up messes this fine day. Unlucky for you."
I fire the gun at him, stepping back from the counter to make sure to be out of his reach.
Good lord. I just put forward my best dancing skills to keep this prisoner entertained and they have nothing but obscenities for me? Well fine. Maybe dance isn't for everyone. Instead, I try to calm the prisoner by reading him some lovely poetry I wrote a bit ago.
That thing's gotta go off a dozen times a shift. Only suspicious time is when it *doesn't* whine about contraband. I continue on doing the thing I was doing, and if anyone asks, I'll just say it's Bill. Gotta be hiding something in that beard.
Ada would begin fashioning a flamethrower, using any nearby sheets of metal for the rods.

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