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Wiggles Wigglesby [4] & some Staff Assistant [6]
Your new friend grabs you by the hand and drags you to customs. Luckily the HoP still seems to be at his post. You flip and dance, and the HoP dances back.
You have acquired an ID with Staff Assistant access.

Horatio Jiggles [6]
You open the safety shutters and shut down the belt, and walk up to the hulk of a crusher. You inch closer still, close enough to feel the wind off of the whirring teeth, inches away from your face.
You gently run a finger between the rotating blades, caressing the smooth cylinder that holds them fast- you feel one of them lightly shave the hair off your arm.
This sure is the crusher you think.

Selladore Kaine [2] ... and others
You arrive at tool storage to find most of the good hacking tools are gone, but you do pull a Screwdriver and Wirecutter out of an otherwise pillaged toolbox. With that in hand, you turn your attention to your PDA, but you're interrupted by the arrival of-
Adrian Clarke [6] who looks like he has a bone to pick.
"Who's ass do I need to ticket to get some fresh bud in this hellscape?"
Before the botanist can reply, a third person is at the door-
it's Jack Jackson [2] and he's here to-
. . .
. . .
c o n f r o n t a t i o n rerolls.
Selladore [6]
Adrian [2]
Jack [1]

Adrian moves to detain Selladore for not making good weed- what an abuse!
Selladore shoves Adrian to the ground and farts on him.
Selladore flips.

Jack reaches into his bag to grab something??
Adrian rolls away from Selladore and reaches for his flash. It's assault now.
Selladore disarms Adrian.
Selladore farts.
Selladore farts.

Jack implants Adrian. Adrian collapses.
. . .
What the fuck was that??
Selladore Kaine flees the scene.

Ada O'Hara [5]
You park your sub in the research dock and make your way back to tool storage.
Ada O'Hara says, [145.9] "Alrighty. My back is cracked and my ideas booklet is packed."
You're ready to rock and to roll.  

Kickflip Brozinski [2]
You stuff the bong into your backpack and take up your radio.
Kickflip Brozinski says, [145.9] "Hey, quarterdudes, what's Josh got on offer?"
Guess nobody's at the console, gonna have to barter with the AI.
say "; fuck" states  [145.9] "Doesn't look like Josh is in right now, but i'll keep an eye on it."

Punch Monster [1]
You're pretty sure you heard someone IC-in-OOC about a c-saber, so you run off looking for that.
After a full lap of the hallway, you've come up empty. Damn.
Ada would take the smart route of acquiring hacking tools once she arrived in tool storage- beating down a window and the grille with an empty toolbox and using the manufacturer to her hacking desires. She'd try to print off the full suit of tools, as well as locate a toolbelt. You never know what can come in handy at what times, yanno?
I shove the evidence down disposals and help Adrian back onto his feet. Once that I done, I go to the Jazz lounge, lie down on the couch, and play robustris on my PDA.
Sam Eagle Oof I missed one! I thought I posted something last time sorry! I blame the spacedrugs. I continue on my rounds, and insist on greeting every new and wonderful creature I see with an enthusiastic "HELLO!"

I have forgotten if I still have a glass of the wonderful concoction or if I gulped all of it. If I havent gulped all of it, I do so now.
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject)

Play a tune on my gross saxophone in celebration of my new ID card. Okay, now that I've a means of communication and a badge that can open (some) doors, time to go and confront medbay and see what the hell the deal with me waking up naked was about.

Amble back that way, proudly showing my ID to anyone I pass on the way. Unless it's the clown. Fuck that guy.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • ID: Wiggles Wigglesby (Staff Assistant)
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
    • paper
    • crayons
Well, that was embarrassing. I head back to security to pick up some extra gear so that doesnt happen in the future and wander over to the Jazz lounge.
Fuck. Alright whatever, I'm gonna pop off to the debris field and look in the usual spots for an art beaker. Or combo crates. Or both. Also, a multi tool. Or something.
Say ";So uh, any messes? Can't exactly get high right now."
Ada O'Hara [6]
You find your tools exactly where you left them, and begin re purposing the room around you to suit your fancies.
After about a minute of slamming and smashing, you've stuffed your manufacturer full of what used to be walls and windows.
Your production queue is gonna take a little while though.

Jack Jackson [2]
You head back to the Jazz lounge for some peace and quiet, but that's not happening. There's a barber and a boxer in here fighting over the saxophone. It's at least twice as entertaining as robustris, though.

Sam Eagle [1]
You down the rest of your Rum & Space Drugs, vomit all over yourself, and pass out. (Next Positive roll will wake you up)

Wiggles Wigglesby [5]
You Doot the Toot at the HoP. He is pleased.
You head back to medbay to get some answers. Your pet Staff Assistant seems to follow along, presumably bored and curious, or hoping for a quick distraction to steal something. You arrive, and spot the MD inside the operating theatre, dissecting the clown.

Adrian Clarke [2]
You get up and start hobbling to security, nursing your pride and your wounds. First things first, gotta bulk up and rearm yourself.
You slap a couple brute patches on yourself, and are confronted by the HoS.
"Jeezem, how'd you get dunked on up already?" he asks.

Punch Monster [2]
You think briefly about heading into the orbital debris field to find something cool, but your daydreams are interrupted by the crushing realisation that you're underwater, dozens of lightyears from SpaceStation 13. You suit up and prepare to go diving in the trench instead, like a good scuba spessmen.
Outfit: Diving Suit.

Kickflip Brozinski [2]
You flip to the radio again, pinging for a mess and casually admitting to work-time drug use.
Medbay answers that there's a decent amount of blood around, and likely to be more.
You head there, and meet a monkey and it's apparent handler on the way. They flip at you and point to their IDs proudly. They're identical. Hmm.
Oh gosh I've zoned out!

The PDA responses I get aren't very encouraging... I guess I'll have to do some canvassing. First, however, I'll head to the courtoom to talk things over with Tanhony.
The frick is all this water, i thought this was Space Station 13. I take a moment to some check that I'm playing the right game. Yup. Goon. Huh.

I go fart around in the trench I guess.

mentorhelp Hey where's all the cool shit in the debris trench?
Hecka yeah, I flex my arms and head back to Botany. I was gonna grow... weed, right? Gotta scroll up to check.
Ada waits for her tools. She sure is getting a lot of not very useful high rolls. This will probably come back to bite her in the ass later.
I Sit on the couch and observe the majesty of nature.
Life on the station sure is something, isn't it?
Sam Eagle As Morpheus' sweet embrace claims me, I look forward to what ever visions it may bring. But i also need to implant people! I do my best to get back to wake up

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